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Ritchie was washing his plate as he exnored you petting him

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Ritchie was washing his plate as he exnored you petting him.

David: "I can get the dishes. How was the meal, I know it was your favorite."

Ritchie: "That is unnecessary, I can do them. The meal was adequate, thank you. I have to inform you that dinner has just concluded and I only take orders from my teammates.  Captain would you like to give them permission to order me around."

Michael: "I, yea? Just don't do anything harmful to yourself."

Ritchie: "Noted."

Brandon: "Come on, bed time... Are you coming Ritchi?"

Ritchie was not heading upstairs as he straightened up.

Ritchie: "That is unnecessary, I do not need to sleep."

Michael: "Come to bed and sleep."

Ritchie: "Are you sure Captain? Our jobs are to protect the people and sleeping when not needed takes away response time."

Michael: "Yes I'm sure."

Ritchie: "Very well, where do you want me."

Michael: "Follow and listen."

Michael had Ritchie lay in the middle of a big bed, the others surrounded him. They didn't go to sleep until they were sure Ritchie was.

Brandon: "What's in the book?"

Michael: "Names of the people he went in dates with and marks showing if he helped them or if they still need help and ways to help them."

David: "Let's get some sleep."

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