Part 3-New Friends

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The bell rang. Finally, lunch time! You and the rest of the class rush out of the door with hunger. Training to be a hero sure was draining! You get your food and look for a spot to sit. Most of the time, you sit at whatever table is empty, since most of the students already figured out their friend groups, and you weren't really in any of them. You sat next to Denki when he wasn't near Bakugou, who yelled at you almost constantly. Denki said he got used to it, but you were just sensitive.

Lunch was pizza with a side of soup, which you though was a weird combination, strawberries, and a salad.

Today, Bakugou was yelling loud as ever directly at Denki, and you didn't want to be near him. There were no empty tables today. Where would you sit? 

"Hey hero student, care to sit with a nobody like me from general studies? You look like you want a place to sit. Probably not, I'm sure you have other hero corse friends. Forget that I asked..." A guy to the right of you said. 

You stop, unsure of what to do. Did he want you to sit there or not? Either way, you had to sit somewhere. You sat down, uncertain of what he would do. 

You sit there for a minute and realize pretty soon that he has no interest in talking to you. All he is doing is staring down at his phone. You start eating, and study him more. He has light purple hair with matching eyes and white pupils. Unlike most of the male students at U.A., he doesn't have a ton of muscle. "Oh! You're that guy I bumped into in the hallway! Sorry if I made you late to class." He just stares at you, puzzled, and goes back to his phone. "Whatever."

He was kind of cute. And by that, you meant you thought he was really hot.

About 5 minutes until the end of lunch, you attempt talking to him again. "Hey, are you going to eat? We only have a few minutes left of lunch. You can have my soup if you want, I'm full." You push the bowl towards him. "I don't want your charity. Leave me alone." He huffs, pushing off the table and leaving for somewhere. "But thank you."

Two days later, you sit next to him again at lunch. He's pretty untalkative. Better than sitting by Bakugou. Through the next few days, you learn his name is Hitoshi Shinsou, and he's an 'I don't want to talk about it' kind of guy. Pretty much all you know about him is his name, that he is in class 1-C, and he won't tell you his quirk because he thinks you won't like him anymore. Not that he cares, according to him. His quirk is probably something dumb or silly. You kinda feel sorry for him.

Slowly, you learn even more about him. He wanted to be in the hero class, but his quirk didn't let him get enough points in the entrance exam. He was always sleepy and never hungry, although sometimes he had tea or coffee during lunch. You always pestered him about why he looked so sleepy and why he didn't eat lunch, but he never told you. You had no classes with him, other than lunch. You only ever sat at this table now. Denki sometimes sat with you.

You look up at Shinsou hopefully. "Hitoshi, do you like cats, by any chance?" Hitoshi stared at you, as if that was a dumb question. "Nah, me neither," You said. Too bad. He seemed like a cat guy.  "So anyway, Shinsou, are you looking forward to the sports festival?" You ask. Denki chimed in. "Yea, seeing all those heroes fighting it out while you can just lean back and watch them from the stands." Shinsou scowled. "Actually I was thinking I might be able to-" Denki interrupted him. "Who do you think will win? I think it would be Todoroki." Shinsou left you both. "Hey what the heck you interrupted him." You acuse Denki. "Geez, didn't know he was so sensitive." He replies. "Well he wanted to be in the hero class, so you talking about him just sitting in the stands probably made him really angry." Denki gets up and runs in the direction that Shinsou left. Great. Now you are alone with no one to talk to.

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