Part 6-Calvary Battle

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You saw Recovery Girl, and you were as good as new, after those bombs, you were worried about the rest of the festival until you realized you could be fully healed. After a brief rest, the Sports Festival carried on.

It was explained that the next event would be a point based team event. You had a high point value, meaning that people would target you, and they wouldn't want to be on your team. That meant to get on a good team, you would have to prove you were worth the risk. Midnight said that it would be a Calvary battle, and that students had fifteen minutes to pick teams. You started panicking, because other people were already getting into groups, it seemed that the only person that was being avoided was Midoriya. You turned into a cat, but retained your human size. You dropped  down on all fours, and looked about the size of a lion. You could be a good 'horse' as the teacher had called it. A person could sit on top of your back and you could easily carry them. Other teams might have trouble carrying people, but not you. You let out a roar to attract some attention. 

Everyone turned to stare at you. Someone behind you said "Since you're here, you must be a student with a cool quirk. You could be the horse, and I could be the rider.  Would you like to join my team?" That voice seemed oddly familiar. You started turning around to see who was taking to you. "That would be lovely-" A calm, peaceful happiness like you had never known swept over you. You surrendered to it. It seemed so nice.

"... in fourth place, Team Midoriya. There you have it, all the teams that qualify for battles. Now, we will have a brief intermission while the people that sadly did not qualify will have a chance to shine." You glance around, confused. It seems like the calvary battle was over. You didn't fall asleep, so why was there a gap in your memory. Ojiro was on your right, and Aoyama was on your left. Your back kind of hurt. You glanced back, about to lick the spot. Shinsou was on your back! You stared at him in shock with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. Had he gotten into the sports festival without you knowing it? "Shinsou, what are you doing here? And get off! That's innapropiate!" You would be heavily blushing if you were human. You considered bucking him off your back, but laid down so he could get off instead. He slid off your back, sounding very self absorbed. "Thanks to my leadership, you are welcome, I just helped you three not lose the team battle. Besides, tail boy and belly laser, your quirks suck so you probably wouldn't have made it without me. Don't be so sour. Besides, I don't even know any of you. Don't look so offended." He walked off. 

Ojiro spoke first. "I just had the wierdest feeling. I think I blacked out. I don't remember the battle. I think I will go see the nurse." Yuga stopped him from leaving. "D'accord, my friends! The same exact thing happened to me too though!" You sat down. "Perhaps it was that guy's quirk." Yuga said. You agree, narrowing your eyes, staring at Shinsou's figure slowly walking away, a sly grin on his face.  "Perhaps it was."

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