Part 10-The Dorms

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You were on a break from school. Soon the students would be going back to the school, staying in the new dorms, and going to internships. You missed Denki, Mina, and especially Hitoshi. After about a week of not talking to any of your friends, you finally got to go back. You said goodbye to your family, and got on the bus to U.A. You take your new phone out of your backpack. You had not had a phone before, but the school had given you one so you could stay in contact with your teachers over email and look things up. The back of the case was dark, navy blue with bright yellow U.A. letters. You had not had the time to use it until now, considering all the work you had to do over break. "The dishes won't do themselves!" One of your parents had said. But with their quirk, the dishes could. Why did you have to do it? You pressed the power button on the phone. Just because you had never owned a phone did not mean you did not know how it worked. It seemed like everyone but you was always listening to music or texting. Even Deku used YouTube. You spent the bus ride familiarizing yourself with the phone. When you were at your stop, you put your backpack on your back, your phone in your pocket, and your roller luggage bag in your hand, and stepped onto the U.A. grounds. Mina was right outside. "Oh hey (Y/N)! Guess what guess what guess what!" She tapped her foot so quickly and impatiently, not allowing you even a second to guess. "We are in the same hallway!!! Of the dorms! It's like living in the same house kinda! But not really! Also, Denki and Hitoshi are on the other side of the hallway! Isn't that great? I can't believe your luck! They are like your best friends! You can talk to them all the time!"

You put your finger up to her lips. "Talk less." "What?" "Talk less, smile more. I'm thinking. Hush." Your mind was racing. How could Hitoshi be in the dorms? From what you had heard, the dorms were only for Hero Course students, classes 1-A and 1-B. And there were separate buildings for the class dorms. So what did that mean? You could not wrap your head around it. Did that mean we shared a common room? Or that we were allowed to shower in the same- your thoughts caught you off guard. This was a school. You could not think like that.

You and Mina took your bags up to your rooms. It smelled like a new hotel room. The dorms were pretty big. In each of the dorms was a table, a desk with a chair, a bed, and a dresser. Nothing too fancy. As you were unpacking your clothes into your dresser, Aizawa came around and knocked on your doorway, leaning against the frame. You were caught off guard, considering that this hallway was mostly for girls. You were just putting your underwear away. How embarrassing. You blushed, slamming the drawer shut, hoping he wouldn't notice. "Aizawa sensei, how can I help you?"

"Well, I recieved an internship application from you. Why would you want to intern with me when I'm already your teacher? You already would know the basic stuff I'd be teaching during work studies." Oh, so that was what this visit was about? Mina barged into your room and started talking, totally not noticing the teacher was there. "Hey, which guy here do you think is the cutest? I totally think everyone thinks Todoroki is hot! But not me. I think-" You pushed her out the door. "Don't you know how to knock? Aizawa sensei was here first! Talking like that could get you expelled!" She looked around the room until she saw the teacher, who had by now decided to sit on your bed. He was a very unusual teacher. He stared at Mina angrily. "Quit wasting my time. Get out. Besides, students are not allowed in other student's dorms." Mina made a strangled squeaking noise when she realized that you were not pulling her leg, and that the teacher was actually in your room. Aizawa's stare was enough to make even Mina shut up. She backed out of the room, no doubt going to bother Ururaka or someone.

"Hello? I'm still waiting for an answer?" You turn back to Aizawa. You cleared your throat. What you said could affect if you got an internship or not. "Even though you are not the most popular hero, I think you're pretty great. I mean, none of us students have really seen you in action doing normal hero work. We saw you fighting villains at the U.S.J., but that wasn't really a realistic scenario, because there was like a hundred of them. Usually hero's go against one or two villains. And you held your own against all of the villains in the U.S.J. you saved all us students' lives! If you ask me, you are definitely one of the best heroes. It would be an honor to learn anything more from you that I can." You hope you did not overdo it. "The flattery at the end was a bit excessive, but if you feel that way I guess you can be my intern. Aizawa rolled over on your bed. "How come the students get such soft beds? I have to use a sleeping bag under me to even sleep on my bed." He had a weird smile on his face. It became apparent that he was not going to leave anytime soon. Your teacher was weird, but loveable. You left him to whatever he was doing, popped into cat from, and followed Mina's scent trail, which lead you to a common room area. Everyone was crowded around something. Everyone was talking loudly. You transformed into a human so you could see what was going on. Aizawa should probably be here to tell the students to stay calm or something. 

"Hey Denki, what's going on?" You ask over the noise. "There is a new student in the hero course! Look who it is!" You looked in the middle of all your classmates was none other than Hitoshi Shinsou. He looked pretty overwhelmed by all the attention. "No way! Really?" You replied. Hitoshi saw you gazing at him. He smiled. "Hey friend, how are you?" You responded with, "Congrats on making it into the hero course Hitoshi! Now you have to deal with Bakugou all the time!" You shouted. Bakugou was the only one not here, he was probably sore about losing to Hitoshi at the sports festival. Hitoshi shoved through the crowd to go outside, motioning you to follow. You wove your way free of the tangle of your classmates, and followed him.

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