Part 7-Battle

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The intermission was over, and it was time for the next contest to be announced. It was one-on-one battles. You were trying not to think about what Shinsou had said. He didn't know that it was you that had the cat quirk. But he had complimented your quirk. But earlier he had said he did not like cats. Was he lying? What was his quirk? Did he like cats? Does he not like cats but think a cat quirk is useful?

You had learned from Denki that you had done a really good job during the Calvary battle, slashing anyone with your claws that came close to your team. You just wish you could remember it. During the intermission, you watched the replays of you fighting the other teams. It was unreal. It was a video of you, yet you had no recollection of any of the events that had happened. It was almost as if you were being told what to do. Or being controlled. Was that his quirk? You studied Ojiro and Yuga. On the screen. Hitoshi told them what to do and they did it. How did you get taken control of? How was he able to control four people all at once? It was almost as if he had hypnotized or even brainwashed the tree of you. You talked to Ojiro and Yuga about what had happened, and Ojiro dropped out of the tournament, saying that it was unfair that he won when he was not the one that made his team win. For some reason, the other two had been aware of what was going on when Hitoshi used his quirk on them, but you were not. Perhaps it was because you were part cat.

Quit thinking about Hitoshi. Why are you obsessing over him? You should instead be focusing on your strategy for winning the one-on-one battles. You knew your quirk was best for stealth, and hand-to-hand combat was not your forte. Pretty much no matter who you went against, you would fail. Except perhaps Sero, because you could tear through his tape with your claws. Perhaps you should just forfeit. You sigh. You had already proven you are one of the best students at UA by coming this far. Why bother doing more when you know you would fail?

You to the bottom steps of the fighting area. Denki had convinced you to try even if you knew you could not win. "Hey, you have to put on a show for your fans, right?" You take a deep breath and step up to the rink. 

The audience applauds, thousands upon thousands of people cheering for you. You feel overwhelmed. You did not have time to figure out who your opponent was, because you had spent too much time thinking about Hitoshi Shinsou and his quirk. Was that why he did not want you to know his quirk? It seemed evil to brainwash people? That makes sense.

Your opponent steps up too. It is none other than the light purple haired teen himself. "Hitoshi Shinsou VERSUS Y/N!!!! GIVE THEM A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE EverYBODYYYYYYYY!!!" You glance up at the announcer booth. Aizawa gives you a thumbs up with his undamaged arm. Or was he giving Hitoshi a thumbs up? Or both of you? Or-

 Hitoshi tackles you, trying to push you out of the ring. You don't know how his quirk works, so you decide to take the precautions of not speaking to him, not looking at his eyes, and not using your quirk.

He has gotten much stronger than at the beginning of the school year. Where he used to be a little chubby there is now muscle. "Don't you have anything to say to me? This battle will be pretty boring if you don't use your quirk or say anything. You don't want to disappoint the spectators, do you?" You try to push against him, but it is no use. He is way stronger than you, and he has pushed you so that you are pretty close to the edge of the ring. You duck under his arm and kick him in the back. You hate doing it, but you know he will be fine with recovery girl. He stumbles back, and realizing that he is on the edge of the concrete slab, takes a few steps forward. He looks into your eyes. You wait for a moment, and realize that must not be how his quirk activates. The two of you exchange blows, both with fists and feet. He kicks one of your legs, making you lose your balance and fall. You grab his shirt around the chest area and take him down with you. You try and roll so that your back does not hit the concrete when you fall, but Hitoshi won't let you do that. So, instead, you stop yourself with one hand. Hitoshi lands on top of you, his body covering yours. His head is on your chest and his hand is on your rear. You both blush. 

"OoOOOohHHH ladies and gentLEEEmeHN! What have we got here?? Looks like things are about to heat uppppppp!" You hear some thumping sound, probably Eraserhead  slapping Mic. "One of you use your quirk or do somethingggggg at least! Remember, this is a High School event that millions of people will watch. If you do anything interestingggg I'm sure-" Another thumping sound. 

Hitoshi gets off of you. You can tell he is much stronger than you, and you don't have many options. You decide to not use your quirk, even if just a little bit he might be able to use it against you. You think about turning your fingernails on your right hand into claws, but that may let him take over. Instead, you try to use your catlike agility and speed to punch Shinsou before he can stop you. It does not work, so you use your claws. You drive him back right next to the edge. "Any last words, Hitoshi?" He glances down nervously at the ground behind him, just a few steps from losing. "Let me win please?" He says in a pleading tone, filled with hope. You laugh at him. A calm sensation envelops you. You are sad to lose, but the peacefulness that fills you is worth it. "Gladly."

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