Part 8-Rise to Fame

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You woke up on your side in Recovery Girl's room on a cot with a headache. You groan. Hitoshi must have been able to control you. It was probably thanks to you talking, considering when you blacked out. The fights to see who at U.A. was the most promising first year were probably still going on. You walk out of the door, signing yourself out on Recovery Girl's recovery sheet. There were flower and heart foam stickers all over the room. You laugh a bit. This is a high school. How silly. 

By the time you walked into the stands,  Bakugou had just beaten Kirishima. It looked like he had given a good fight. Todoroki tapped on your shoulder. It shocked you, because he hardly ever talked to anyone, much less you. "Yea, what do you want?" It came out sounding meaner than you meant. You cringed. "Well, I was wondering if you knew how Shinsou's quirk worked. If you could tell me, I would have a major advantage. The next battle is me versus him." Wow. Shoto Todoroki asking for your help. What a surprise, he was always really smart not needing anything. If he did, he must have considered Hitoshi quite a threat. Since Todoroki and Hitoshi never spoke, they did not know each other's quirks, well, Hitoshi probably knew Todoroki's, considering how much of a celebrity he is just from having the number two hero as his dad. "Umm... I think he uses mind control... and you have to do something to trigger it..." You mumble. You didn't want Shoto to have too much of an advantage over Hitoshi. After all, you were not a sore loser, and Hitoshi was your friend. Maybe. You weren't really sure. Most of the time he acted like he didn't care.

"Ok, thanks, better than knowing nothing about him." Shoto walked away. You felt a twinge of guilt, the kind you have of betraying a fellow classmate. A few moments later, you peered down and Todoroki and Hitoshi walked onto the concrete slab. Shoto tried using his flames immediately before Hitoshi could use his quirk. Hitoshi said something, and Shoto responded angrily, and then Shoto used his shoes to skate across the ice he had made, and right off the rink into the grass. 

Everyone was on their feet in seconds, murmuring things like 'Did he slip?' 'What just happened?' 'Did he give up?' Endeavor was in the stands, his flames larger and brighter than ever. You hadn't noticed him until now. He looked so angry. You are happy that isn't your dad. "Shotooooo!!!! You are a disgrace to the Todoroki name!" He bellowed, stomping out of the stadium. That must have hurt. Now you feel really guilty for not telling Shoto Hitoshi's quirk. What Endeavor had said didn't go down well with the people in the stadium. They started booing him. Poor Shoto. He must have to put up with a lot at home. But! Hitoshi had won again! That would boost both of your popularity, showing that if he won all of the matches, and you lost against the number one promising student, your defeat wouldn't be such a big deal. 

A few more battles went on. Your friend Mina put up a good fight, but Tokoyami won. Now it was just down to Hitoshi, Bakugou, Tokoyami, and Tenya. 

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