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I went into the kitchen. It was empty and smelled like cooking was taking place.

There was a pot on the stove, the lid on top, steam escaping. I lifted the lid and looked towards the door to the castle.

Stella was in the doorway, her blue eyes huge.

"Hi," I said, equally surprised to see her here.

She went into the kitchen, donned the apron and went to the stove.

I put the lid back on the pot and stepped back.

Stella turned off the burner.

The silence was overwhelming. Sickeningly so. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but that would be wrong on so many levels.

The door opened and Macaria entered.

"Hi," I said, diverting my gaze from Stella.

Stella walked around me with the heavy pot and continued behind my back.

Macaria sat down on the first available chair. "I know there's still too much time left, Eileithyia told me that, but damn I want this thing out."

I turned to look at Stella. She was standing motionless, the pot no longer in her hands. She had divided the contents into two bowls.

She must be able to feel my gaze. She lifted her face and looked at me. Something about her look was terrified?

"Is there anything?" I asked politely.

She slowly unfastened the apron, put it on the table and left the room. The door fell shut behind her.

I looked at Macaria.

She was absentmindedly rubbing her belly. "It intrigues me the chemistry there's between the two of you." She said. "I can almost see it."

"You're not at all worried she seems to flee from something?" I asked.

Macaria shrugged. "She has come before to talk to me. I think you scare her."

I sighed. "Zeus wants me in Olympus again." I said. "It's about Persephone's punishment, or lack thereof."

Macaria smiled. "At least this will soon come to an end."

"And then I have to watch over her, ensuring she doesn't use either of you, or break other rules?" I asked and sat down.

Macaria shrugged. "I'm pretty sure she won't do it again."

I smiled a smile without any humor. "You know Stella is here again, right?" I asked. "I'm also pretty sure she knows we had children on Earth. I don't know what she wants to do, but I know it will hurt. In here." I tapped my chest.

Macaria nodded. "She globed me yesterday. Wanting to be there when I'm in labor. I don't want her there, is that wrong?" she asked.

I shook my head no. "It's all up to you, Macaria," I said. "Well, I have to say, I really want, for your safety, to keep Eileithyia close by when you're in labor. But other than her, I don't care who's there. As long as you feel safe."

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