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Stella was in Macaria's attic. I wanted to give her an attic of her own. But that would mean I looked after her, and I tried not to do that. If I did that, I would end up revealing something. I wasn't trying to keep an eye out for her, but I needed to know if Persephone found her.

She was in her office, working on something regarding the demi gods, which were a huge topic. Their rights and all that fun stuff.

The Underworld was different because I was their father, and they had other responsibilities, which only they could do. No overlaps.

I stood and went to the kitchen to place the cup in the dishwasher.

On Earth I'd been the one to empty the dishwasher, Stella worked the laundry. I hadn't the same finesse when it came to her dresses. I hesitated with my hand on the kitchen table.

I had to go see Charon, about the ghosts Stella had been scared of a while ago. But to leave Persephone and Stella alone? That wouldn't happen.

I went back to my office and globed Charon.

He was in the office, looking displeased by the globing.

"You know I prefer to see you," he said.

"I would've come," I said. "Persephone and Stella are here alone."

Charon nodded. "She's not too fond of Stella?"

"Not at all," I said.

"Nothing has changed, figures," he said. "Do you have any news?"

I found the papers on my desk. "Yes, there are news."


I walked past the door to the kitchen at Hades' castle, and went inside. The kitchen was empty, not a trace of any smells lingering from cooking.

I went out of the kitchen and stopped in the hall. Someone was coming.

Persephone rounded the corner. "Is she in the kitchen?" She asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"The housekeeper," Persephone said.

"Cook your own food," I said and walked around her.

Persephone went to the kitchen. She'd find it empty.

I went to Hades' office and knocked.

"Come in," he said.

I entered and shut the door. "You might want to tell Persephone that Stella isn't her personal chef," I said and sat down. "I've got an issue I'd like to address with you." I said.

"About?" he asked. He looked tired, sort of. Tired of the situation, maybe?

"The demons partied here last night," I said. "And have no regard for sticking to the deals I've made with them on their return."

Hades nodded. "I'll talk to them."

"Thanks," I said. "Take some time off?" I suggested.

"I can't," he said. "Macaria is not working in the moment, and I've already got two new men."

"So?" I asked. "Charon knows how to do this, he can keep them entertained."

Hades looked at me. "You could globe me for that?"

"I needed to see Persephone hadn't ripped Stella to pieces. Or you." I said.

"Thank you," he said.

We were quiet for a while.

"Persephone is on her way," Hades said and stood to open the door.

"Where is she?" Persephone asked.

I turned in my chair and looked at her. It was comical, really, that she was obsessed with Stella. She was a human girl, she had no idea about the relationship Hades and Persephone had had for the past many millennia. Yet Persephone held her personally responsible.

I would never understand the type of love Persephone had towards Hades, and which sort of drove her to this madness. Usually she wasn't this crazy about him. She could get jealous, sure, but she never went to these kinds of extremes to let her dislike towards someone get known.

"I don't know," Hades said. "I can find food in the fridge. As can you."

"Surely, you've hired her to cook, not to wander around and get lost." Persephone hissed.

Hades smiled a secretive smile. "Oh, she's not lost." He said. "Just not in the kitchen."

Persephone squared her shoulders. "Why is it that no one in this goddamn place sees the unreasonable ways in which this place is driven?"

Hades' smile disappeared. "Listen, this is my realm. If you don't like it, no one forces you to be here."

He went into the office and shut the door. Persephone knocked once and a half before Hades must've shut all sounds off.

He looked at me. "Please, feel free to state your opinion."

I smiled. "I'll wait a bit, and hopefully Macaria gets back, I was hoping to see her, since she never visits any longer."

Hades IIIWhere stories live. Discover now