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I went to Macaria's study, to find her, Zagreus and Melinoë all present.

"When will Persephone be back?" Zagreus asked.

"Tomorrow," I said and shut the door. I took a seat. "She wanted me to talk to you first."

"Why?" Melinoë asked.

Macaria rubbed her belly in slow circles, seemingly oblivious to the action.

"Because she wants you to understand she's not evil, she loves you very much, and you can always come to her and talk."

Melinoë snorted. "Right."

"I want her out by the time I deliver." Macaria said.

Zagreus looked at her with wide eyes. "That desperately?"

She nodded. "I can't handle that she wants to step in and tell me how to do things. It pisses me off."

"Has she done so since you got pregnant?" I asked.

Macaria sighed. "Yes. Every time I see her. She tells me that I shouldn't wear these types of shoes, or that I shouldn't wear that color, and to remember to eat nutritious food. She told me to do breathing exercises, she even told me she was a better choice to be midwife than Eileithyia."

I rubbed my temples. "Yes," I said.

"Is she?" Zagreus asked.

"I don't doubt that she can be a good midwife, but I do think she's a bit too... involved to be able to do it in Macaria's case."

"Why has she been a midwife?" Melinoë asked.

"Eileithyia was too busy, I think, and Persephone is the better choice then. She can be firm yet gentle, but, again, it's easier if she's not as involved."

"My choice, I don't want her there," Macaria said, arms crossed.

"We'll work something out," I said. "Maybe you should talk to her, though."

Macaria sighed. "It's going to be a fight."

"Most likely, yes." I agreed.

Melinoë crossed her arms. "I'm not letting her into Erebos, just so you know."

I nodded.

"And I'm not alone with her outside the castle." Zagreus said. "Damn, it took me, what, forever, before I was feeling okay again after forcing her back to the Underworld, and she didn't get it. She kept telling me to just man up and pull myself together."

"We just have to remember she's never seen it before, and she usually never deals with anything afterwards," I reminded him.

"No," Zagreus said. "But she wouldn't listen when I told her anything either."

I couldn't excuse that one.

"What about Stella?" Melinoë asked. "Persephone is not exactly fond of her."

"I have told her that Stella is working her, and that she cannot bother her."

Melinoë nodded. "Will that work?"

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