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Stella was still in my arms when I woke the next morning. A few demons lingered in the castle, but it was manageable. They knew they couldn't cross me.

Stella stirred and sighed, snuggling back against me.

I smiled and kissed her behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

She intertwined her fingers with mine and gave my hand a squeeze. "Persephone shouldn't know about this," she said and turned so we were facing each other. "I don't want to hear her talk about it."

I touched her face, not answering. I wouldn't tell Persephone, but if Persephone asked the right question, she knew me too well for me to be able to lie.

Stella was looking at me. "Breakfast." She muttered and rolled out of bed.

"We should shower first," I said, catching her by the waist before she had the chance to roll out of bed.

She sighed. "Fine."

Naked, we went to the bathroom.

When we were dressed again, she went to the kitchen, I went to Persephone's room. First to unlock the soundproof door, and then to unlock the door.

Persephone was in the hallway before I had even turned around.

"Are you out of your mind?!" she hissed at me.

"No," I said and walked to the kitchen. Stella being there or not, I had to have my breakfast.

And go to work.

Hopefully Macaria would be back soon.

"I'm going to Olympus today," she said. "To inform Zeus of what you did."

I stopped and turned to face Persephone. "What will you tell him?" I asked. "That you were bullying a girl for no apparent reason?"

Persephone crossed her arms. "I know you've slept with her, Hades," she said. "I know you followed her to Earth. So it's not just any girl. It's a girl you are abnormally attached to. I'd say that requires Zeus' attention."

"I've already told him about it," I said, telling the truth.

Persephone walked around me and into the kitchen.

When I entered, she had 'dropped' a cup of coffee on the floor, spilling the coffee and breaking the cup.

Stella seemed hesitant about what to do.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down opposite from Persephone.

She was waiting, twirling a ring around her ring finger. "Coffee." She said.

Stella didn't react.

I was secretly impressed. Even if Persephone wanted to make it hell in the Underworld for everyone, hopefully she'd let Macaria off the hook.


Persephone was demanding coffee, demanding breakfast and didn't lift a finger when she finished eating. She simply left the room. Hades followed briefly after.

I didn't look at him. I couldn't, not when I had tears in my eyes.

He left, and not until the door was closed after him, did I turn to face the kitchen.

Persephone hadn't called me anything, but she had made a mess.

I cleaned it up, decided not to cook anything, and went to one of the attics I'd found. The one with the love seat.

I hurried, wanting not to meet anyone, until I could ascend the ladder and be alone.

The room was like last time.

I sat down on the love seat, snuggling in the corner, staring out the window. The town was far away, and from here I could see towns were scattered around the castle. It might be different times? Hadn't Hades said something about that?

Persephone was just... It bothered med I still had that feeling that she might know something I didn't. Why did she have to make my life hell here if that wasn't the case?

I slid down on my side, curled up on the loveseat. Going to see Hades last night had been the best decision in a long time. Really. He didn't deserve me fleeing, when he only tried to help.

And I could... we could have sex. But did we have a chance of a relationship? I wasn't sure. It was one thing I remembered too much from my time on Earth, and that I had those feelings of déjà vu. Hades might not see me as an experiment, but he was still curious about it.

He hadn't asked more into it, but... but what?

I sighed. Part of me wanted to just be like everyone else. That way I was on my way to getting a 'normal' job, where I didn't have to meet the God of the Underworld and Persephone, who fought like a married couple. I guess they were? Or did marriages expire?

If I was normal, I would have friends. Other than Macaria who just so happened to be a demi god. This was not what I envisaged my death to be like.

I wasn't sure what I thought, but I still felt me, and I could recognize myself in those instances I remembered from my time on Earth. So by that logic, my thoughts on death, now the concept was still very much used, wasn't something like this. I figured it would just be like not existing. Like the blackness swallowed you, and then you were gone.

Hades IIIWhere stories live. Discover now