Part 6

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Chat Noir: *thinks* Should I tell her the truth about my identity?

Chat Noir: Yeah, why?

Ladybug: Oh okay I was just wondering.

Ladybug: *thinks* Okay so if he's friends with him then he can't be Adrien.

Chat Noir: Do you know Marinette?

Ladybug: Yeah, I'm actually great friends with her.

Chat Noir: Oh so am I!

Chat Noir: *thinks* Now this explains Marinette and it also means that Ladybug isn't Marinette.

Chat Noir frowns a little but he doesn't realize.

Ladybug: What happened? Why are you frowning?

Chat Noir: *thinks* Wait why am I frowning?

Chat Noir: Oh I was just thinking about Marinette.

Ladybug: What happened between you two?

Chat Noir: What makes you ask that?

Ladybug: Well you said that you two were friends but now your frowning while thinking about her.

Chat Noir: Can I be honest with you?

Ladybug: *thinks* I finally will find out why he stopped visiting me!

Ladybug: Yeah, of course Kitty.

Chat Noir puts his arms back and looks up.

Chat Noir: Well I felt like I was a burden to her. I used to visit her a lot for a while and I honestly told her everything as well as I could but I still felt like she couldn't be honest with me. She was an amazing friend to me and was always there.

One day I was upset and had ran away from home crying but then she was there for me the entire time.

Ladybug: *thinks* I remember that night, we both laughed and talked for hours and I also remember trying to do everything in my power to make him happy.

Chat Noir started tearing up as he was speaking now and Ladybug started to realize as he spoke more about her.

Chat Noir: I feel as if whenever she needed me I could never be there for her.

Ladybug couldn't believe her ears for the longest time she had felt as if he was mad at her but in reality he just felt guilty.

Ladybug could feel tears coming out of her own eyes and immediately tried to cover them up.

Ladybug gave Chat Noir a hug, he was surprised but also appreciated it and returned the hug.

Ladybug: Why didn't you speak to her about this?

Chat Noir: I knew she would lie to me and just try to make me feel better...

Ladybug: I know Marinette and from what you're telling me the two of you had a very special friendship and I don't think Marinette would ever lie to you.

Chat Noir: But I don't want to just be a burden on h..

Ladybug: Trust me, go talk to her.

Chat Noir gave Ladybug a hug which she returned.

Chat Noir: Thank you so much Bugaboo.

Ladybug rolled her eyes and then Chat Noir started laughing.

Ladybug: Oh before you leave, what are we going to do to help out Adrien?

Chat Noir: Why don't we just ask the Mayor if we can make an announcement tomorrow afternoon?

Ladybug: Should we invite Adrien?

Chat Noir: No, why don't we leave it a surprise for him?

Ladybug: Okay that works too! Let's meet tomorrow at noon and we can go and meet the Mayor.

Ladybug had her own plans and decided to go visit Adrien after the announcement.

Ladybug left the Eiffel Tower and then Chat Noir had decided to go visit Marinette.

Ladybug had reached home and detransformed in her room. Marinette had her entire apartment to herself since Alya had stayed over in Nino's room with him since they wanted to binge watch their new show.

Adrien was also looking for some new opportunities himself so he was also busy in his room. A while later Marinette heard a knock on her window and found Chat Noir.

Marinette was shocked it had been almost two years since he last had come to visit her! Marinette quickly opened the window and Chat Noir came inside.

Marinette: How are you?

Chat Noir was looking down.

Chat Noir: I think I owe you an explanation...

Marinette lefts up Chat Noir's chin.

Marinette: Hey you have nothing to be sorry about you know that right?

Chat Noir started crying with tears and Marinette gave him a hug which he gladly accepted.

Chat Noir: How are you always so nice to me Mari?

Marinette: It's because I know that you would never try to hurt me and I know that you care about me because you've always shown me that.

Chat Noir: I felt like I was a burden to you. You always took care of me and we're there for me but I was never able to be there for you whenever you needed me the most.

Marinette: Aw've always been there for me and to be honest I've just always been a very enclosed person it's not that I don't trust you. I promise from now on I'll tell you more and hey we're best friends so you should never have to hide anything from me. I mean other than your identity.

Chat Noir gave Marinette a hug and they promised one another to never keep anything from another. For another two hours or so they talked and laughed before Chat Noir realized it was getting late.

Chat Noir: I should get going...

Chat Noir started to leave but before he could he felt a tug on his belt. He looked back to see Marinette upset once again. Chat Noir sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms.

Chat Noir: What's wrong princess?

Marinette: I've hurt you so much and I don't feel like I can ever make it up to you.

Chat Noir: Hey princess, don't say that you've always cheered me up and cared for me if anything I won't be able to make it up to you. So don't you dare say that okay.

Marinette: Will you come back and visit me again?

Chat Noir: Of course! I mean I've to say you are my best friend after all!

Marinette: And you're my best friend kitty, so don't ever leave me again, okay?

Chat Noir: I will always be here for you princess no matter what.

Marinette held her pinky out.

Marinette: Promise?

Chat Noir held her pinky with his pinky.

Chat Noir: Promise.

Marinette: Can you stay here for the night? Please?

Chat Noir: Of course princess and don't worry okay I'll never leave you again.

Since they both were on Marinette's couch right now, Chat Noir decided to move Marinette to her own bed and then to sleep on the couch himself. Once Chat Noir carried her bridal style to her bed and put her down. He began to leave to sleep on Marinette's couch.

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