Help Wanted [Chapter Seven]

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Waking up, I found that last night had oddly enough been the best night of sleep I had gotten in a long time. I opened my eyes, and I was no longer curled up on Sam's back, instead, tucked into his side on the floor sharing a pillow that I had no idea how he got without waking me up.

I was about to get up when Sam's arm tightened around me in his sleep, preventing me from moving. I tried to roll out from under it, but let's face it, I'm not that strong. I sighed and tried to get myself comfortable again and just let my mind drift.

I started thinking about work; what would it be like? Would I feel more like a good person actually earning the things I get? Would I make enough to finally move out of my crappy apartment?

I imagined myself finally being able to hand my keys over to my landlord, boxes all packed with my things into a U-haul truck.

That reminded me of my car, which I was thinking should be done with its repairs sometime today. I couldn't wait until I didn't have to walk just to go to the store. The winter winds really took their toll on my skin. I suddenly couldn't wait to take a shower and go pick it up.

Ugh, I really didn't feel like walking all the way home, and I would make Sam give me a ride, but he didn't have a car. Sam doesn't really get out much, and wherever he does go, he walks. His customers don't come here though, he has a nice little warehouse a block over, and by nice I mean terrifying. I had been in there just once, the first time I met Sam two years ago, and I was so scared the entire time I was shaking and Sam suggested we meet somewhere else the next time.

Maybe I could just take a shower here and wear these clothes to get my car and then drive it home and change. That sounded like a much better option from where I was laying, nice and warm here on the floor.

I could feel Sam shifting around behind me and I took a chance at getting up.

"Well, good morning to you too," I heard Sam chuckle as I stood up.

"Finally you're awake, I've already got my entire morning planned out because you had me trapped in your sleep mister," I glared, breaking off into laughter when he smiled.

"So what are your plans if you've already planned so far ahead?" he asked, as if doubting my obviously awesome ability to know what I was going to do before I did it.

"Well first I'm going to go take a shower in your bathroom, then I'm going to change back into my clothes and go get my car, then drive back to my apartment and change," I recited from memory.

"I have a better plan than that," Sam said smiling angelically up at me. Uh, oh, I hated when he smiled like that; it always meant something I probably wouldn't like.

"What?" I asked warily, not really sure if I wanted to know.

"You go take a shower and I'll run over to your apartment and get you clothes before you go get your car," he saidouch., sitting up to lean against the  "I know how you hate to re-wear clothes after a shower," he added quietly.

My heart gave a big squeeze when I realized he was trying to be nice. "Awe, Sam!" I gushed. "That's so sweet of you!"

"Eh, I guess it's just how I am," he said, shrugging off my compliment. I leaned over and gave him a hug, then ran off to the bathroom.

I was out and squeaky clean before Sam was back, so I took some initiative and stole away into his room, grabbing out a pair of comfy looking sweatpants and an over-sized t-shirt. Throwing them on, I felt awkward being completely naked inside Sam's clothes. Not only because they weren't mine, but because it just felt odd.

I wandered out of his room, dropping my towel off in the bin in the laundry room, and plopped myself down in the middle of the couch sitting cross-legged.

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