Kakashi's daughter, Sasuke's lover? What? Chapter 3

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I walked slowly through the house, sighing as I did so. Kakashi poked his head through the doorway, staring at me.

"Hm. I'm hearing a lot of sighing. Something's got to be up." I shrugged, pouting.

"You'll find out when I go on my first mission." He nodded, showing his understanding.

"Uh, are you even gonna put your headband on?" Kakashi asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. I shrugged for the second time.

“I'll put it on tomorrow." He nodded, and said nothing else. It was clear he knew that something was wrong, he was just too polite to ask.

I forced a smile for him, and the older male narrowed his eyes at me before slowly inching back into the kitchen. I sweat dropped but shrugged it off, before deciding to sleep. Today had been a big day, after all.

I trotted upstairs and looked at myself in the mirror. Exhaling loudly, I put a hand to my chest,

"I swear, I will protect my teammates no matter what happens." I swallowed, "Even if I have to kill someone." An irritated frown set itself upon my face, and grabbed my log and wrote down the date and time. I huffed and looked at the pledge before;

I swear to become the greatest ninja that can solve matters without violence.

I shook my head and crossed that out, the new pledge cancels out that one. I quickly got dressed and flopped onto my bed, instantly falling asleep.


I woke up to Kakashi shaking me and talking like a 5 year old,

"Get up! Get up! Its' time for school Ayame-chan!" Groaninng, I pulled the covers over my head, sucessfully blocking out the sun and the annoying 'father figure'.

"I swear I should be the adult. You sound like a kid and it's your first day of school." I murmured, uncovering my eyes only and looking up at him with a frown, but that didn't seem to deter him.

"Up up up! I woke you up late!" I shot up out of bed, eyes wild. I could not be late for today, no matter what.

"You what?!" I screeched, furious with the older male. Kakashi just shrugged with a close eyed grin.

"I figured it'd make you move faster if I said something like that." Hearing him confess to his lie caused me to slump, the previous urge to sleep returning. I stared at the white haired shinobi as he laughed, my blue eyes shimmering as I tried my best puppy dog look. It didn’t last for long though, because I soon joined him, laughing as if my panic was the funniest thing in the world.

Jumping out of bed I placed my hands on his back, pushing him out of my room. "Get out! I'm gonna get dressed." Kakashi continued laughing and skipped out the door, which only made me I shake my head at him. "I swear, he's like a child old in a 27 year olds body."

Sighing, I approached my closter, opening the doors to inspect what I was to wear. A small smile graced my features when I saw the new ninja outfit I'd chosen. I grabbed it and ran into the bathroom- quickly showering and doing everything else nessasary.

I then got dressed into my ninja outfit, it was a blue crop top with netting underneath, I had black fingerless gloves with twin katana’s on my back. I tied a peice of material around my neck loosely that could easly act as a mask, such as Kakashi's. I wore long black pants with the normal blue ninja shoes, my ninja pouch around my right leg.

Looking down at the leaf village headband I had placed on my desk, the many options on where to wear it ran through my head. Head, arm, thigh, waist? Coming to a decision, I decided it would be easier to wear the headband on my waist like a belt. I then quickly tied back my long, white hair into a high pony tail, so it wouldn’t hang in my face.

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