Chapter 1: Powers

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Hi, Lovely humans! I decided to compleatly change the intro for entertainment and story line reasons. So if you are rereading for whatever reason, that is why it is compleatly changed! If you are new, forget everything I said and have fun reading! 

love y'all



Now a days, being gifted has a whole new meaning. Today, It means you have a superpower! A little under a 50 years ago, in 2000, the first gifted child was born. No one is quite sure how it formed, but now one out of every hundred people have this superpower gene.  The gene is the exact same in everyone, but everybody with it, has a unique gift, because the gene adapts to your body structure and changes what it will do. For years, society had run wild with gangs of the gifted, trying to take power and control. The world was no longer safe, until President Ellis. He took office when he was 27, much younger than normal, but he had a plan. President Ellis created a group of gifted who vowed to use their gifts only to protect and serve the helpless. My all Time favorite of these heroes is, Dicer, or as I know her, Mom. My mom, Linnea Carter, and all the other heroes fight against some of the largest villains. Some villains work on their own, while others join groups organizations that share their ideas. CLAW is the most infamous villain league, it also happens to be the place where my dad, Ivan Benderson, works. He is better known as the villain, The Elephant, due to his gift of strength. When both your parents have incredible gifts, you are expected to have great power, or at least have a gift. I am the exception. Even at the age of 16 I haven't had any gift whatsoever. Or so I thought........

"You sure you want to go honey?" My mom called up to me.

"Yes mom," I said. I guess you could say I was looking forward to going to see my dad. I hadn't seen my dad in nine months since he's been in prison. I still don't get why mom dumped him so fast. I thought they were going on strong apparently things were worse than I thought. I was hoping by going to see my dad I could heal some of the wounds my mom had inflicted on my family. I did love my dad but there was an unspoken barrier between us that I needed to break.

As soon as I finished packing, I ran downstairs.

"Remember, Aaron, you can always call me if you need anything," Mom said, handing me my water bottle.

"I'll be fine mom," I sighed, " you worry too much."

"I know, but it's because I care for you."

I walk onto the patio and see a rusted Toyota pickup pull up across the street. 

"He's here," I call to Mom, "will you walk me to the car?"

"Ok, but I know what you're up to. I'm not talking to Ivan."

I was excited to see my dad but also nervous. I hadn't seen him in awhile because my mom wouldn't let me. I wanted to go and see him for my sixteenth birthday, but both my mom and dad refused.

He got caught at the scene of a bank robbery, but they couldn't prove it was him. With his track record they were still able to lock him up for some time.

I climbed into the car and we drove off. I had always seen my dad as a optimistic person but it was obvious prison had taken its toll on him. His hair was grayed and his face hollowed. The cheerful eyes I once knew were sad and defeated. 

At first there was awkward silence, then my dad asked, "So what's your gift? Have you found it out yet? It's been awhile since I've seen you."

"I don't have a gift," I mumbled

"What!" he said, "You're the offspring of the world's greatest superhero ever and, also a shabby villain!"

"You think moms that great and you're just a 'shabby villain?'" I asked

"No, I'm the superhero. Your mom is the villain," he said. I looked confused as we hopped out of the car.

"So, let's find out what your gift is," he said

The 2 room apartment was in the basement of a bodega. Apparently my dad was friends with the owner in high school so he got cheap rent. I started to feel bad for him when I walked in and saw a camping stove and an air mattress in the first "room." In the corner a badly painted white door was leaned against a cracked door frame which I guessed led to the bathroom. He wasn't a slob, just broke. The floor was swept and the place was free of cobwebs and dust.

"Home sweet home," he mumbled embarrassed, "You can set your stuff down and then we'll head outside."

Once we walked to the backyard, my dad picked up a boulder and said, "Try to catch this."

"What the heck! I can't do that!" I yelled to him.

"Just try, okay" he told me.

"Fine" I mumbled "But, I'm still going to die!".

He threw the large rock but just before it hit me it stopped in midair.

"Did I do that?" I said.

"Well I didn't," my dad said.

"Wow," I said, "but that's never happened before."

"Well it was you, so you do have a power. But what is it?" He asked.

"Don't look at me, I don't know."

"Try moving it down," he said.

"Ok, but how will that help me know what my gift is?" I asked.

"Just try," he said.

That seemed to be his answer for everything, but still I tried to move it down. Surprisingly, it worked!

"So," he said, "you probably have the gift of levitation. Anything else you know of?" he asked. I didn't even know that I had a single gift in the first place. I shook my head.

"Well then you're probably like me, single gifted like 'the amazing superhero elephant'" he exclaimed, "Any way, let's come up with a name for you like, uh um. You got any ideas?" He asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Hmm, how about 'Air Walk'," he suggested.

"Like the shoes?" I asked, shaking my foot at him.

"Well do you have something better?" he asked. I slumped, out of ideas. Looks like I was stuck as the shoe brand superhero. We walked back to the basement the sun setting behind us.

I hope you like this!!

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