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"Ava, love." He tries to reply, stumbling to get the words out, but I ignore him, placing my hands on the bed, eyes locked, my focus like lasers, burning into his irises.

"Do. Not. Ava. Love. Me. Liam. Just fucking give me a straight answer." I respond, my voice cool and steady. Watching his face closely, I see his strong jaw slowly ticking, lips pursed, and eyes filled with what looks like shame before they lower.

Shaking his head, hands clenching and unclenching, he starts to speak then pauses, leaning his head against the headboard, his back resting on the pillows and posture sagging. "Ava, it's complicated, love."

"Then uncomplicate it, give it to me straight, Liam. No bullshit." I respond, crossing my arms over my chest and waiting for his response.

As Liam closes his eyes, I watch his thick lashes that I used to think were so pretty, feathering his cheeks. Inhaling deeply, he reopens them, his chocolate orbs now flecked with amber. "You were supposed to be mine, Ava. My Mate." He growls, breathing heavy, then frowns, attempting to compose himself and control his wolf, who seems to be attempting to take over, "Sorry, Ava. What I meant to say is that, originally, you were meant to be claimed by me. It had been arranged from the time my father became alpha, and every summer up until your 13th, you would come to the Ranch with your parents, and we would spend time together. We," he eyes glazing over, recalling a memory and time I don't remember, he continues, "we were good together, Ava. You were like sunshine, so inquisitive, so vibrant. You were, and are, a natural-born leader. We were going to lead this pack together."

Now it's my turn to frown. I knew when I met Liam that he seemed familiar, but apart from seeing him in Griffin's memory standing behind the boys that were tormenting him, I can't for the life of me recall ever coming to the Ranch, let alone spending time with him.

Seeing my confusion, Liam, now calmer, offers me a gentle smile. "All of your memories, Ava, of your time on the Ranch, your time with the clan, with me, was taken away after your 13th birthday and after the moment you met Griffin for the first time."

WTF? "Taken away, what do you mean Liam, how can a memory, memories as in multiple, be taken away?"

Sitting forward, eyes soft, he motions for me to lie down on the bed.

My eyebrow lifts in question. I'm only seconds away from jumping off the bed and heading for the door. Liam sighs, "Trust me, Ava, you'll want to lie down for this."

"Why?" Yeah, you need to give me more than 'trust me', buddy!

"Because it'll be easier this way, trust me."

Remaining in position, I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I promise you, Ava, I'm not going to do anything to you. That's not why I'm here."

Rolling my eyes and throwing caution to the wind, I turn and lie down next to him, head on the pillow. "Close your eyes, Ava." He advises, so I follow his instructions with a humph, lower my lids and wait.

"Now try to remember your 11th Christmas. Tell me what you see." Thinking back, memories hazy, I'm hit by a sudden stabbing pain in my head and cry out, overwhelmed by the sudden urge to vomit.

"See, I told you, lying down is easier, isn't it?" Liam chuckles as I sit up and smack him.

"You could have warned me." I sulk as he continues to laugh beside me, suddenly sobering,

"Aye, but then you wouldn't have pushed and experienced what you just did. Ava, that Christmas was the first time I kissed you, and the thing that caused your pain was the mind blocker that was planted on you."

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now