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Uncorking another bottle of wine, I grab several painkillers and shove them into my mouth. Lifting the shiraz to my lips, I part them and pour a generous amount of the ruby red liquid down my throat, swallowing the pills whole. Moving through the kitchen, I open the cabinet and locate a glass, filling it to the brim with more of the smooth blend, before heading to the living room and sitting on the cream-colored chaise lounge. Locating the remote, I turn on the television and place my phone on the side table, the power turned off.

Lying back on the plush cushions, feet up, I continue to sip on my drink, draining it until it's empty, the rich, burgundy liquid numbing the ache in my throat. My lower region is throbbing, my head spinning, and I am sweltering. Struggling to focus on the images on the TV, I pour another glass, downing that one also. I am so thirsty, so hot, so.

Feeling sensitive all over, my skin tingling like a thousand electric pulses are licking at my nerve endings. I shift my body. My nipples are erect as they brush against the cotton of my top, causing my lower regions to pulse. Discarding the empty glass on the wooden side table, I raise both of my hands over the tender mounds, needing the plump flesh, massaging them, and using my fingers to pinch and twist at the swollen peaks.

Rotating the pebbled flesh between my forefinger and thumb, I groan, feeling wetness begin to pool at my core. My pussy clenching with need, I release one of my breasts and move that hand down my body to the edge of my pants. Tilting my hips and parting my thighs, I inch my fingers under the elastic and inch further south.

I tease myself as my hand slowly passes over my belly button and continues its excruciating pace until it reaches the soft hairs at the junction of my thighs.

I need.

Parting my legs wider, I move my index finger down to separate the delicate folds, sliding it over my rock-hard sweat spot before dipping into my soaked channel. Groaning again I enter my moist heat, the pleasure of that simple gesture almost causes me to see stars.

I gather some of the liquid and use it to slide it inside and out. In and out. My middle finger joins the other to give more girth.

I am so wet, dripping, almost like. Mmm.

Pumping in and out, I move my thumb in a rotating motion to massage my clit, applying just the right amount of pressure. I'm so hot, my nerve ending on fire and my mind begins to drift, the smell of pine and musk wafting from an open window.

Mmmmmmmmm, oh God, I need. I need.

I apply more force, my hips now moving in time with my fingers pumping in and out. I moan, my thoughts drifting, drifting to him.

I need. Oh God, I need his teeth, his cock, so hard, so full. Fucking me hard, dominating me, owning my body, relentless in his pursuit to bring my pleasure.

Pounding like a mad man, thrusting so hard I feel him up to my womb, biting. Oh, GOD biting...

I explode. My climax intense as I see steel blue eyes, dark hair.


Coming down from my high, I'm soaked, heart racing, and breathing hard.

Disgusted with my actions for masturbating to him, I stumble off the couch, knees landing on the white and grey rug beneath me. Why is the room spinning?

Pushing my body off the ground, my legs wobbling, I use the back of the couch to center myself. I take several deep breaths and close my eyes, waiting for the floor to stop moving. Inhaling deeply, I slowly open my lids, blinking several times until I can see that the floor is indeed dormant and no longer swirling, and make my way to the bathroom.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now