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As I tie up my hair in a loose braid, a cool draft brushes against my neck, pulling my attention away from the mirror. I turn and notice the bathroom window ajar—a gap I'm sure wasn't there before. Stepping over, I see a bright red Dodge Ram pulling up the driveway. A quick glance at my phone tells me it's nearly noon. Liam's early.

Securing the window, I rush back to the mirror to finish up my makeup—just a touch of mascara and a swipe of highlighter—before heading to the front door.

"You're early, Mr.," I say with a playful pout as I open the door, then break into a smile.

"I like to be on time," Liam replies, his head tilted, a grin spreading across his face. "May I come in?"

I nod, waving him inside, then walk over to the couch to pull on my hiking boots. Liam, looking ruggedly handsome in dark brown leather boots, snug jeans, and a grey jacket, watches me lace up.

"I thought you didn't like hiking?" he teases, one eyebrow arched as he observes me.

I chuckle, securing the final knot. "Maybe I'm just warming up to it," I reply, rising to face him fully. "Especially when the company is promising."

"Do you have a jacket?" he asks, his eyes sweeping over the interior of the cabin. "It can get pretty chilly up on the mountain."

I nod, gesturing towards my black puffer hanging beside the door. "Got it covered. Should I bring anything else? Water, snacks?"

He smiles, shaking his head. "I've packed everything we need. Just bring that sparkling personality of yours."

Laughing, I grab my jacket and give him a playful shove as we head outside. The sky is a brilliant blue, the sun beaming down generously despite the cool 48°F forecast. It's a perfect day for our little adventure.

I walk over to the passenger side of Liam's truck. He follows, gallantly opening the door for me and shutting it once I'm settled inside. I sink into the leather seat, appreciating the roomy interior as I buckle up. He slips into the driver's seat, starting the engine, and we're off, ready to explore the scenic heights of the Spur.

As Liam starts the truck, a dimple forms on his stubbled cheek, giving him an adorable look. "I'm glad you decided to come out with me today."

"And I'm glad you asked," I respond, settling into the heated seat that soothes my aching back. The cab smells of new leather and fresh grass—a comforting blend.

We roll forward, leaving the long driveway and merging onto a winding road. Liam begins to share the history of the Spur, telling of its early settlement by Irish immigrants escaping a land famine. He points out that several founding families, including his own, still reside in the area.

"My ancestors built the pub, and it's been in the Brady family ever since," he says, his voice filled with pride.

"Your mom, was she from around here?"

"Ahh, Ma," Liam says, his expression softening, "no, she grew up in Ireland. My Da met her when she was 18; her parents were visiting town, and for him, it was love at first sight."

"And for your mom?"

Liam shakes his head with a smile. "No, lass, she didn't fall so quickly. She resisted quite a bit. But it was destiny, you know? They were meant to be, and here they are, still together after 34 years."

I do some quick mental math and raise an eyebrow. "So, your parents didn't waste any time before..."

"They tied the knot pretty fast. Da says when you know, you just know. Apparently, they made me soon after—they like to joke about the magic of their first night together, which, as their son, is way too much information."

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now