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As Erin and I tidy up the kitchen, clearing the last scraps from the table, I glance around, searching for the girl from last night. I realize she wasn't at breakfast. Unable to spot her anywhere, I find Olivia by the stove and decide to ask her.


Olivia turns around, her face filling with concern. "Morning, Ava. How are you feeling today?"

"Not too bad," I smile, and her face relaxes. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you something about Isla. I haven't seen her this morn—" Before I can finish, Siobhan appears in my peripheral vision and clears her throat.

Tilting her head toward Olivia in silent communication, my mother's friend quickly mutters an apology and leaves the room. Slightly annoyed by the interruption, I cross my arms and turn to Siobhan, who offers a thin-lipped smile.

"Don't mind Olivia. I know she's familiar, and you probably feel more comfortable with her, which you should," Siobhan explains, placing a hand on my arm. "But if you have any questions, I'd prefer you come to me. That way, I can ensure you get the right answer."

"The right or the filtered answer?" Erin, joining our conversation as she moves to stand beside me, stares down the matron of the clan with a perfectly arched brow.

Laughing, Siobhan gestures in a placating manner. "I can see what Liam's wolf sees in you, Erin—all that fire. But no, not filtered. The word that would be more accurate is factual." She looks away briefly, and I swear I see a tinge of sadness flitter across her features. "Unfortunately, since the passing of our previous Alpha, their family's had nothing but bad things happen," she shakes her head. "Some of the clan think they're cursed. Sometimes facts get mixed up with superstition."

"So where is she?" I ask, peering towards the window where I saw her last night.

"Actually, Ava, I was just planning to take Isla her breakfast," Siobhan points to a bowl of sludgy-looking oatmeal on the marble bench. "Why don't you and Erin take it to her while we finish up here? Isla may enjoy your company," she suggests, handing the steaming mixture to Erin with a spoon. "You'll find her out on the porch. She'll need assistance with feeding, but don't worry, it's her favorite."

"Sure," Erin replies, practically snatching the bowl from Siobhan, who smiles knowingly.

Raising it to her nose, Erin inhales and moans, "Oh my God, that smells... Amazing!" She groans again, "Here, smell it."

Taking the bowl from her hands, I inhale and almost gag. Griffin kept feeding me the same stuff. Passing it back, I take in a few deep breaths, attempting to settle my stomach and my pulse before looking back to Erin.

"You okay?" She asks, tilting her head, studying my face. "You look kinda pale."

"Yeah, it just brings back memories, you know. Reminds me of... That is what he fed me when..."

Opening her mouth to say something, she settles on nodding, closing her lips, and turning towards the front door. Our booted feet tap on the polished wooden floors as we walk.

"So, where do you think she is?" Erin asks as I open the massive double doors, stepping onto the rear porch.

Looking to my right, I see Liam in the distance, kneeling before Isla, her legs covered in a thick grey blanket with a woolen shawl draped around her shoulders. Turning toward us, Liam lifts his head, smiles, and gently places a kiss on Isla's hand. He says something to her before walking away towards the sheds at the back of the property.

Erin and I exchange questioning looks. What was that about? I signal Erin with my eyes. She responds with an eye roll, expressing, "Hell if I know, bitch."

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now