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With a final approving glance in the mirror, I survey my outfit: tan leather boots, black jeans, and a slightly wrinkled white blouse—that'll have to do. I grab a red tartan jacket from the coat rack, run my fingers through my unruly dirty blonde curls, and quickly glance at my smartwatch. Still on schedule, I sigh in relief and do a last sweep through my house—double-checking locks, closing windows, shutting off appliances, and giving my wilting plant a farewell drink.

Nibbling on my bottom lip, I recheck the time and can't suppress the smile spreading across my face. It's been too long since I've taken any time for myself, and the thrill of this long-awaited downtime fills me with anticipation, a sensation I haven't felt in ages.

First, a quick stop at the office to drop off some paperwork, then I can hit the road. After that, it's just a three-and-a-half-hour drive to the main town, and another fifteen minutes to the cabin.

Stepping outside, I make my way down the white wooden steps of my porch, quickly running through my checklist before I jump into my car: packed luggage, locked front door, phone, wallet, and keys in my bag, hot coffee ready in the cup holder, glasses on—check! I let out a sigh, buzzing with nerves as I fire up the engine. As the car heats up, I find myself thinking about Black Mountain. It's been ages since I last saw the Spur and the cabin, and I can't wait to see what's different. I give my mirrors a quick check, make sure the way is clear, and then release the break.


I park my silver Ford Edge in its usual spot, brush off some imaginary dust from my jacket, and take the elevator up to the 5th floor. As I walk through the open plan workspace, a few colleagues throw friendly waves my way. I head straight to Erin's office, clutching the papers she needs for the L'obscurité acquisition.

"Morning," I burst out as the papers smack gently onto her desk.

"Ava," Erin greets me, her husky voice warming the room as she stands up. "Congrats on a job well done. The whole office is abuzz, and thanks for dropping these off." She gestures towards the papers with her red-tipped, manicured fingers and flashes a grin. "So, tell me everything you're planning to do when you get there, and don't skip any details."

I blow a raspberry at my coworker and best friend, giving a nonchalant shrug. "You already know my plans; we've spoken about this like a million times," I sigh, watching her put a hand on her hip and pout dramatically. I decide to play along, repeating my well-worn script, "I'm going to get to the cabin and sleep, then maybe eat and sleep some more. Oh, and did I ever tell you I plan to sleep?"

"I guess, but I bet you'll sneak in some sleep between sampling the local eats," Erin teases, wiggling her dark eyebrows in mock scandal. "I mean, if I were headed to a romantic cabin in the woods, surrounded by all those handsome, rugged mountain men, I'd definitely be looking for the right girl to sweep them off their feet."

I choke out a laugh at her words. Most people might think to correct Erin, reminding her that traditionally, it's the man's job to sweep a woman off her feet. But I've known Erin long enough to understand that she means exactly what she says. Erin doesn't wait around like some damsel in distress; when she sees something she likes, she goes for it.

"You never know," she grins, leaning in a bit closer with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "you might just run into a tall, dark, and irresistibly charming stranger who'll totally knock your socks off—and maybe more."

Sighing, I shake my head at her antics. Men are definitely not on my radar right now. All I want is to get there, pay my respects, and escape reality for a bit.

This trip is a celebratory getaway I planned right after my company landed the Bradshaw contract. Perfect timing struck eight months ago when a customer, who also happens to be an old family friend, sent me an email offering me the use of their cabin whenever I wanted it. Now, six months later, the project is wrapped up, having generated substantial profits and a handsome bonus for me. With my schedule finally clear and the anniversary just a few days away, it's the perfect time to escape.

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