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The rustic sounds of country music and the aroma of deep-fried food greet me as I slip in through the back door of Brady's Bar. I make a beeline for an empty booth in the far corner, slide off my jacket, and settle into the worn, cracked leather. Grabbing the menu I give it a quick scan, settling on a cheeseburger—just like the bakery lady suggested. With the menu now face down on the table, I lean back and take a minute to soak in the atmosphere around me.

The pub feels like it hasn't changed a bit since my last visit ten years ago, still holding onto its authentic and eclectic charm. Peeling plaster on the walls exposes the brick underneath, and vintage band posters are scattered around haphazardly. There's a small, elevated stage set up near the front entrance for Thursday night karaoke. To the right, a long oak bar stretches across the entire wall, its surface aged and scuffed from years of patrons' stories and spilled drinks.

I wave down a server to place my order, and as my CC and Dry arrives, I let my attention drift to a group of men playing pool at the other end of the bar. One man stands out with his well-built frame. My eyes start at his strong legs sheathed in blue jeans and travel upwards to appreciate his firm backside and broad shoulders, wrapped in a checkered flannel shirt. As my gaze continues upward, it pauses at his rooster cap, with dirty blond hair peeking out. I smile into my drink as I take in the entire appealing scene.

Mountain man, indeed!

The thought amuses me, reminding me that I need to check in with Erin. Glancing at my phone, I see it's just five minutes until my Siri reminder. With a chuckle, I quickly shoot her a text.

Arrived safe, you can call off the watchdogs, also hottie at 3 o'clock. No promises. - Ava 7:12 PM

Erin's reply is swift.

Took you long enough, and here I thought you'd forgotten all about your BFF, that or you must be dead! - Erin 7:13 PM

Before I can respond, her next text arrives.

Tell me more about hottie!! Does he have a big dick? - Erin 7:13 PM

Laughing and trying not to spill my drink, I respond.

I've only just spotted him. How the hell would I know, also he could BE a massive dick!!! - Ava 7:14 PM

Our playful text exchange keeps me entertained until my cheeseburger arrives. I set my phone aside and dive into the towering burger, savoring each bite. As I'm about three-quarters done, I notice the group of mountain men, including rooster cap, finishing their pool game and making their way toward the bar.

Just before reaching the bar, rooster cap changes course and heads toward my booth. He takes a seat across from me, leaning forward with his elbows on the table and a smirk playing on his lips, giving me a curious look.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing eating alone in a place like this?" It's corny, but I decide to give Rooster a pass and let him talk. "Haven't seen you around before, and I definitely would've remembered if I had."

I inwardly sigh, remembering Erin's quip that a horse doesn't need to talk to be a good ride, though I do have some standards.

Nonchalantly grabbing a fry, he continues with a slight southern drawl, "You know, me and the boys have a bet about which one of us will be leaving here with you."

My mouth falls open in shock. Oh, no he didn't.

"And I thought to myself, 'Well, Russell, why not just cut to the chase and ask her?' So here I am, asking."

Is this guy for real? Oh, Erin would have a field day with this—Big Dick, indeed.

Unimpressed by his audacious opening, I lean back, folding my arms. "You know, it's usually polite to ask a girl her name before you start making plans to take her home."

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now