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I release the blade, the sharp end embedding itself in the dirt below. Griffin's eyes widened in surprise at the action, confusion filling his features. Heart pounding fiercely, I grab the back of his head and crash my mouth onto his.

Without hesitation, he opens immediately for me, our lips and tongues meeting as I flood our closed bond with as much love as I can for the man before me. Unrelenting, I push and continue to share my emotions with him until I feel his side slowly open. The connection between us is intense as our souls bind together, and we become one again.

"Doe," he groans between kisses. That single word is laced with uncertainty as he continues to move with me. "Doe, what are you doing?" He questions, his voice tentative, still reserved with a tone of vulnerability, even with the bond open.

"I'm making my choice," I reply between kisses, pulling him closer towards me, as I use my legs to kick off my boots, "I'm choosing the only thing I want, the only thing I need," leaning into him, I use my hands to pull down the remains of the shredded pants, "and what that is Griffin, is you." I kiss him again, sucking and releasing his tongue, and push him on his back, his arousal prominent between us, and climb on top. "Can I have you, Griffin?" I ask, my voice becoming tentative as I await his response, knowing he has never been asked before.

Gazing into my eyes, a look of shock, awe, and lust, penetrating the stormy orbs, he moves his hand to my hip, ripping my panties to the side, and waits.

Smiling, I already know his answer and lift my hips, allowing Griffin to guide himself inside. The air is punched out of my chest, and my core clenches around his girth as he enters, filling me entirely until he's deeply embedded inside my wet heat.

We groan in unison, his thick cock pulsing inside me as we sit there and breathe each other in, no air between us. We are one. "I choose you Griffin Lorcan O'Connell, My Wolf, my mate, my world." I pant, unsurprised by the truth of those words as they pass through my lips.

"Doe," raising a dirty hand to move the unruly tangles of my hair from my face, Griffin searches out my gaze, looking deep into my eyes. "Do you mean it? Do you really mean it? No more running?"

I lean in and kiss his soft lips again. "No more running," I agree, squeezing my center around his shaft, and giving a gentle twist of my hips.

"No more fighting?" He groans into my mouth, his massive body shuddering at my movement.

"No more fighting," I repeat, grinding again, moaning at the delicious heat building between us.

"You'll stay with me, with us?" Griffin implores, his blue eyes searching mine for any sign of rejection, and I know he's referring to his Beast.

"Yes, Griffin. I, Ava Louise Hughes, claim you, all of you, as my own," I thrust again, forcing him to begin moving with me, "and," I moan again as he pushes himself up to meet me. "I. Am. Yours."

Growling, Griffin flips us until he's on top of my body, covering me completely as my back meets the solid earth beneath us. Gasping, I feel a strong hand clasp my ass, pulling me up to meet his pelvis as he thrusts himself deep inside of me over and over again, our bond completely open, his thoughts flooding mine. <My Doe, my light, is ours. Ours!>

<Yes, Griffin, I'm yours. For the both of you.> I send back through the link, meeting his frantic pace as he fucks me into the earth below.

<Mine, mine, mine. Love you, Doe, always you, only you.> Griffin thrusts like a starved animal. His pelvis grinds into mine, the beginning of an orgasm building deep within me. Losing myself to the passion, I wrap my legs around his taut hips and draw him closer as he continues to drive into me, his cock rubbing sinfully against my pleasure point.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now