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There have been a handful of moments in my life where I forget that the world isn't just a giant computer. That I can't quickly press CTRL+Z on the keys of my life to undo a mistake and erase the action. Or even in more extreme cases, use the CTRL+Alt+Delete function to stop my current circumstance and reboot everything that has happened within the past 12 hours prior.

This is one of those moments. As I see the light from Griffin's eyes fade out, his body limp, lifeless against mine, and all I can do is scream. Clasping, pulling at his still form, drawing him closer to mine, I rock us back and forth, my tears blurring my vision as I cry into his hair, "I'm so sorry, so, so, sorry, I didn't," hiccup, "I didn't know, didn't mean for this, Griffin, I..."

I'm numb, the pain of his loss crippling. I can't think, I can't speak, I can't breathe. The grief is all encompassing. I never wanted this. I just wanted time to think about the bond, not this.

My ears are ringing from the piercing screams, the heartbreaking sound shattering when a firm, warm, feminine hand curls around my shoulder, drawing my attention to them, my mind clear enough to realize that those horrific sounds are coming from me.

"Ava, lass, stop," Siobhan's voice cuts through, "you need to let go of him, you need to-"

"No!" I growl, wrapping my arms tighter around Griffin's still warm body, his open shirt is soaked from my tears.

"Ava," Liam soothes, his voice coming from behind me, "let him go."

Anger surges through every fiber of my body at their deceit, their lies, and I refuse to move. If they want me to release him, then they can try and pry me away.


"Fuck off!" I yell at the voice, this one coming from my side, my mind tells me it's Patrick's, but they can all go to hell for all I care.

"Bitch is just as crazy as the beast. Want me to shoot her too?" Asks another, an unmistakable sneer in their tone. Oscar!

Seeing red, my blood boiling, I release Griffin's lifeless form and lunge. My sudden movement, unexpected and catching my prey off guard as my body barrels into their tall solid one, knocking them over and onto their back, gun flying as they use their hands to brace for impact.

Landing on top of Oscar, I attack, nails, fists, teeth, digging at his flesh, quickly drawing blood. "How can you be so heartless, you fucking asshole?" I scream at the bewildered man beneath me, satisfied when I finally see his horrible smirk ripped from his equally atrocious face. Jumping up, my reflexes surprisingly agile, I move in to kick his side when two masculine arms wrap around my waist and drag me away, causing me to scream again and thrash against their hold.

Grass and wood are filling my senses, and I immediately know it's Liam. "Ava, love, calm down," wriggling to get out of his grasp, my legs kicking back aiming to connect with his flesh, he blocks me easily. Frustrated at my persistence, he pushes my head to the side. His teeth clamp down on the neck, right near my mating scar. The bite is not hard enough to break the skin, but the pain of another male touching my flesh is excruciating, sending my nerve endings on fire. The pain is so intense that I'm knocked off my feet, the anger evaporating as grief takes over. Whimpering, body stilling, I go limp in his arms. Why? Why did they lie? They said he wouldn't be hurt.

"Why? Why did you have to do that to him? And why did you..." I trail off, my neck still sore.

Sighing, Liam loosens his hold on me and turns my body to face his, "Ava, I had to calm you down. A bite that doesn't break the skin is used like that in our culture to bring a person to reason." Reaching a hand up, I cringe as he tries to wipe away my tears. "Ava, look," tilting his head to where Griffins lies, he continues, "he isn't dead love, we tranked him, that's all, I promise ya."

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now