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The sun peeks through my window, its warmth coaxing me awake. I turn, reaching out to the other side of the bed—it's cooled but holds a faint impression of warmth and a hint of pine.

Pine. Not Grass?

Liam! Panic floods me.

Bolting upright, the room spins momentarily as my eyes adjust from the onset of vertigo. I push myself out of bed, and hastily pull on a robe as I try to recall fragments from the night before. My steps echo as I head downstairs, the dining table and kitchen clean, the food gone. All that remains is a single note laid neatly on the wooden surface.

There it is again, the lingering scent of pine in the air.

Grabbing the paper, I devour every word.


You looked so peaceful asleep; I couldn't bear to disturb you. I regret leaving, but I had to rush back home for a family emergency.

Thank you for having me last night; it meant a lot to be here for you.

I'll call. Please pick up your phone!!!



Setting it aside, I fumble for my phone, shooting him a quick message.

Thanks for everything. Can't wait to hear from you. A 8:12 AM

A pang in my stomach diverts my attention. My lady time in full swing, and I feel the weight of it. Hurrying back upstairs my phone buzzes with a message.

Pleasures all mine. I'll call later in the week; I'll be in and out of reception, but if you need me, just call. L 8:14 AM

After reading his message, a feeling of something missing lingers within me. I dress and head downstairs, resigning myself to a day of lounging on the couch with chocolate as my companion. Ah, the joys of womanhood.


Over the next several days, I meet with Erin, text with Liam, have my follow-up appointment with Angela, and continue to dream of My Wolf. My period has been a nightmare, heavy, painful, and thankfully has now stopped. However, my back aches have intensified, and I'm experiencing dryness, cramping, and a swollen throat. The only way I can sleep at night is with a large glass of wine and a handful of painkillers. Not ideal, but a girls got to sleep!

Liam and I have agreed to catch up next week. He has another business trip in the area, and even though he offered to visit earlier, considering the way I feel—the man flu. It's a killer—the last thing I want is for him to see me like this. My period was mortifying enough.

Glancing at my watch and realizing it's nearly time, I absentmindedly scroll through my social media feed while sitting in the cream and mahogany waiting room of Angela's office. Nervously bouncing my legs, I count down the seconds to my appointment with dread. It's HYPNO time.

I quickly text Erin, letting her know to swing by in an hour to pick me up. Erin, in her mothering role, dropped me off and insisted on being my EBUR (Erin + UBER) once my session ended. She knows me well enough to understand that I won't be in the right frame of mind to drive.

Just as I press send, Angela opens her office door, clad in brown slacks and a white blouse, her red glasses dangling on a chain around her neck. "Come in," she motions, opening it wider and motioning me inside.

With my back throbbing, I shuffle into her office and settle onto the familiar leather chaise, lying down to alleviate some of the pressure. Angela takes her seat in the grey high-backed armchair, placing a notepad and recording device on the oak table beside her.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now