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I jolt awake at 2:00 AM, the bedside clock glaring at me as a painful cramp grips my lower abdomen. Confusion muddles my mind, and my head throbs. Sitting up, I discover moisture between my thighs. Instinctively, I touch the dampness, finding a clear, slick substance. Did I pee?

Raising my hand to my nose, I sniff gently, relieved that the smell isn't the acridity of urine but something slightly sweet, musky even. Climbing off the bed, another cramp hits me as I shuffle across the wooden floor to the bathroom. Sliding back the barn door, a thud from outside startles me, echoing towards the porch below.

I locate my robe in the bathroom, wrapping the soft material around my nightdress. Shuddering from the additional clothing, my skin sensitive, I head out to investigate. Holding the handrail firmly, I descend the stairs, nearly losing my footing with each cramp. Moaning, my knees buckle from the pain, but I count to five before righting myself.

Treading carefully, I grab the iron poker next to the fireplace and edge towards the front door, ears primed for any sound. After three minutes of silence and another cramp, I unlock the door and open it slightly, peering out with the poker ready.

The porch is empty. Is Russell messing with me?

Pushing the door fully open, a mouth-watering smell hits me, the scent fresh and metallic. Peering down, I see a lump of something red on the welcome mat. Turning on the porch light, I scream at the sight of what looks like a heart lying on the floor.

Shocked, I scramble back inside, locking the door behind me. These pranks have gone too far—first a rabbit, then a raccoon, now this. What is it, a bear's heart?

Breathing deeply, I shake my head, trying to clear my jumbled thoughts. My brain is a mess, and I struggle to focus, my body suddenly hot. I force myself upstairs, locate my phone, and curse when I see it's flat. I must have forgotten to charge it.

Swaying, I hobble to the closet, grab my suitcase, and start throwing in clothes. I'm not staying here. Cursing again as I cramp, clear fluid running down my legs, I blink to regain my bearings. Another loud bang makes me close the bedroom door, my heart pounding as I lean against it.

"If that's you, Russell, I suggest you leave now. I've called the sheriff's office, and they're sending someone up here right away." I lie, fear mounting, my head pounding, and another wave of heat smashing into me.

Not hearing anything further, I turn back to the bed to start loading my clothes in the case. I whimper when my lower body cramps again, more wetness pooling between my thighs, my core aching. I lift my eyes briefly towards the bathroom, knowing I need to clean myself and take a backward step when I see a large shape emerging from the now open window.

Pivoting on my heel and leaving my things on the bed, I rush to the bedroom door reaching for the handle and turning it. Before I can open it, a massive arm grabs me around the waist, and I'm pinned against the wood by their body.

The pressure and heat of a large mass behind me are immense, their frame surrounding me as I struggle to breathe. His scent overwhelms me, and my core pulses with a manic desire to be filled. I have no idea what's happening, but my body screams to be touched.

Tears fill my eyes, fear coursing through my veins at the lack of control. I attempt to buck my body and push him off me, but he's like steel and won't budge.

"Please," I beg.

I should've gone straight to the police last night. Stupid, stupid idiot! My mind races, regret gnawing at my thoughts.

"You don't have to do this." My plea escapes in a desperate whisper, though my inner turmoil screams the opposite. I wrestle with an inexplicable desire to seek solace in the man behind me, hoping to alleviate the ache resonating within me.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now