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Pulling into the winding driveway of Griffin's treehouse, I nuzzle in closer to his warm chest, inhaling deeply and basking in his scent, the pine and musk reminding me of home. Griffin is my home, and he could take me anywhere right now, and I would be happy as long as he's with me.

"Home sweet home, Boss," Shay declares as he shifts the truck into park, "you mind if I crash with you guys for a while? I feel like I'll be on the Ranch's shitlist for a while." He asks, turning off the ignition and opening his door to get out.

"You know where your room is." Griffin grunts as he too opens the rear door, getting out with my body still wrapped tightly around his.

"Certainly do." Shay whistles, moving around the vehicle to the opposite side and opening Isla's door. Reaching up, he takes her hand in his much larger one and helps her down, "Hey, Trouble, my favorite, most beloved genius," he coos, one of his dimples flashing as he looks down at the small girl, "wanna cook me something to eat? My tummy is rumbling, and I'm beginning to get hangry?" Ending with a moan, Shay guides Isla to the porch, then up the stairs before opening the already unlocked door.

"You do know what a kitchen is?" Isla responds, slowly making her way inside, her movements still showing signs of fatigue.

"Yeah, but you cook so much better than anyone I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE!" Shay begs, his massive hands clasped before him in a pleading gesture while he comically bats his blonde eyelashes. His behaviour making Isla swat him.

"Fine, you start the fires. I'll make something for us all to eat. Griffin, Ava, bathe. You both stink!" Isla states before moving towards where I know the kitchen is.

"Sure thing Boss Lady," Shay salutes and goes back outside for what I assume is wood for the fire. Pausing at the door, he shouts, "Trouble is right, you both stink like sex, and it's making me horny."

Growling as Shay closes the door behind him, snickering as he goes, Griffin pulls me in tighter and carries me up the stairs and into his room.


After we were both thoroughly cleaned, and I mean thoroughly, Griffin used his tongue to reach parts the washcloth couldn't, bringing me to climax again. A girl could get used to showering like that. We dress and move downstairs to find perfectly cooked steaks, potatoes, and greens waiting for us at the table. Shay and Isla were already seated and awaiting our arrival.

"It's about bloody time. I swear I almost had to have my own after listening to how well you cleaned up Bambi, gave me blue balls," Shay gripes; however, his tone is playful, making me to blush.

"Enough, Shay," Griffin growls. However, there's no anger coming through his tone, only annoyance, "Bambi, as you call her, is my mate, and you will treat her with the respect that my mate deserves."

"Fine, but next time give a guy warning before you decide to make her purr like a little sex kitten." Shay fires back, taking a bite of his red meat.

I burst out laughing. Shay's light banter is so like Erin's that I almost feel as if she's here with us. I need to call her tomorrow. Understanding that Shay's comments don't offend me, Griffin grumbles and begins cutting into his meal.

"So, Bambi, you going to be my new Luna?" Shay asks with a mouthful of bloody steak.

"Your what?" I ask, eyebrows raised in confusion.

"You know Luna, aka - mate of the Alpha?" he replies, taking a bread roll from the center of the table and starting to break it into pieces.

Sighing, Griffin shoves more food into his mouth rather than offering a reply. Tugging on the bond, I'm surprised that what I feel from him isn't unpleasant, but something else that I can't quite decipher, it feels almost hopeful. Turning to Shay, understanding more about the Ranch dynamics, I nod. Griffin should be their Alpha; they shouldn't have made him give that position up to be with his true mate. So, I guess if he's the Alpha, then by default, I'm his Luna.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now