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All, encompassing warmth, wrapped in joy. My thoughts are filled with the knowledge of being wanted.

Pure elation, my light has returned, and I'm no longer alone in the dark. I'm joined.

I'm complete. I'm loved.



As I rouse, I find myself lying on my stomach, my head feeling clear, as if I've had the most restful sleep ever. Stretching my arms above my head, I touch the headboard, flexing my muscles, and relishing the satisfying ache that replaces the soreness in my back. Energized, I smile, burying my face in the plush pillow, the soft cotton tickling my nose, and the scent of pine and musk engulfing me.

Arching my neck, I notice the bright white ceiling above me, the daylight coming from an unexpected direction. My window should be on my left, not below my feet. Confused, I prop myself up on my elbows, surveying the room. This definitely isn't my familiar feminine space; it's entirely masculine, filled with woods and sharp lines. The double window that usually stands to my left is replaced by an expanse of windows showcasing thick pine trees. Looking around, the room encased in glass, all I can see is forest.

Am I in some sort of giant treehouse?

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Looking down, I'm relieved to find myself in one of my nightgowns—a white lacey one adorned with tiny purple and pink flowers. How did I end up in this and where am I?

Carefully I climb down from the colossal bed, and let my bare feet touch the polished dark wood floor. My eyes quickly spot my robe and uggs, neatly folded on a grey armchair—items I thought I left behind at the cabin. Without hesitation, I put them on while absorbing the breathtaking views that suggest the house is elevated, nestled on a hill or mountain.

Securing my robe tightly around me, I observe the room, slightly unnerved by my lack of panic. Behind me lies an enormous super king-sized ash bed that nearly fills the entire back wall. Its white sheets and pillows are tousled, and a dark grey duvet drapes off the edge. Nightstands flank the plush mattress, and a large dresser stands in front, adorned with sleek, modern fixtures and a 65" plasma TV.

The charcoal black wall behind the bed hosts shelves loaded with books and other masculine items. To my right, along the far wall, are three barn doors on black cast-iron rails. Curious, I approach the closest door and push it aside, revealing a modern, spacious dark slate-tiled bathroom. Inside is a two-person shower with a wooden bench seat, a double basin with mirrors, a toilet, and a large tub overlooking the more nature.

Moving to the second door, I step into an impressive walk-in wardrobe. Taking in the rows of shelves I spot some of my own clothes mixed with items I know I left at the cabin.

Confused and slightly alarmed, I try to remember my last moments before waking, but everything after looking through photo albums is a hazy blur of too much wine and pills and pain.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of calm washes over me, tempering the rising fear. Gathering my resolve, I open the third door, revealing a long hallway lined with barn-style doors. Turning left, I tiptoe to the wooden staircase and descend to a spacious open-plan lounge, kitchen, and dining area, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows.

The tantalizing smell of cooking bacon lures me toward the stainless-steel kitchen. In a trance-like state, hunger overpowers any lingering panic. Spotting a cast-iron pan sizzling on the stove, I instinctively grab a spatula and begin tending to the meat.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now