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Pine, spices, musk, intoxicating.

Warmth, full, pressure, pleasure.


Everything's a blur. I find myself lying on my side in bed, the stranger from the night of the accident's body wrapped around my back, his cock buried deep inside me, thrusting gently as he licks my scar.

The confusion comes flooding back, overwhelming my senses, my body tensing.

"I know you're awake, Doe eyes," he mumbles, purring into my neck.

His thrusts languid, his teeth scraping along my skin.

The heat is back, pleasure is mounting, and my body relaxes.

"That's it, Doe, let go, baby, feel me, feel us."

I whine as the pressure mounts deep within my core, needing more.

Like he's reading my thoughts, he moves his hand from my waist to rest above my nub, his fingers rotating the little pressure point as his hips increase in pace.

I'm on edge, moving with him as he pounds.

"You feel so good, baby, better than anything I-" he cuts off as he hears my muffled pleas.

"Doe, I know what you need. I'll always give you what you need."

Swallowing back my moans, I feel his teeth pierce my skin, and I'm there, engulfed in light, clamping down and bringing my stranger to climax at the same time.

Then darkness once again takes over.


I feel like I'm floating, surrounded by pine and spiced musk, so familiar.

A memory fragment tickles the edge of my mind: safety, protection. I know this smell, not from now but from before. But when?

Darkness, the memory, lost.


I shift my head. My body is encased in warmth; I slowly open my eyes. My vision clears to see copper and wood.

I know I'm in the tub. My stranger is behind me, inside of me, my back against his chest, and my body resting on top of his.

One of his massive hands is groping my breast, needing the supple mound. The other wedged between my legs, his strong fingers massaging my clit, pinching the pulsing flesh, which causes my body to arch, driving him inside me deeper.

"That's right, Doe eyes, move with me, baby," he growls, cock pounding, water splashing over the edge.

His lips are sucking, tongue licking, teeth grazing my neck, sharp points digging into my flesh as I whine, the pleasure building.

His fingers increase their pace, their force in line with his powerful thrusts. He bites down, and I see stars.

"Milk me, baby, take everything," he groans as I feel a massive pressure build inside me...


This goes on for what feels like days.

I wake, we fuck, he feeds me, God knows what, and then we fuck some more.

He has taken me multiple times. On the bed, in the tub, on the floor between the two. The last place was on the chair before the large double windows. I sat astride him, the rocking of the seat driving our momentum as I rode him to completion.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now