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"Saved me? What do you mean, you saved me?"

"We were losing you. Your heart had no beat, your body was cold. We had to mark you, give you a piece of us, tether you to us, otherwise, you would've died."


"My Wolf and I. We."

My eyes sting, tears welling beneath my lids as I listen to my stranger, my wolf, my supposed mate. No, not my mate. He was my captor? But he's also MY WOLF...

Sadness fills his eyes, and he releases my face, lowering his head. Emotions flood me again, pain and guilt. I recognize these as Griffin's. "It wasn't meant to happen that way. You were meant to know. You were supposed to be willing. It was part of the agreement."

"Willing?" I scoff, confusion and anger rise, overriding the feelings from my supposed MATE. "How was I supposed to be willing, Griffin? Tell me when I don't even fucking know you?"

"Your parents, it was their position, their role. They were supposed to tell you, help you understand your place in everything." He pleads, reaching for me as I leap off the couch.

"Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare, bring them into this," I point a finger at him then at my scar. "They would never have agreed to this."

"Ava," Griffin pleads, using my name instead of Doe, standing up and raising his hands in surrender.

"Don't you Ava me," I cry, "whatever fucking bullshit you're about to spin, I don't want to hear it. You can take your lies and shove them up your fucking ass." I turn toward the door, eyes full of tears, anger subsiding, replaced by sorrow for their loss. Glancing back at him, I sob, "You're a fucking liar, my dad, my..." I choke on my words, "he would not have let you near me."

Before I reach the door handle, his massive body wraps around me from behind, enveloping me in his warmth. His face presses into my neck, his beard grazing my skin as he pleads in a whisper, "Doe, don't be mad, please, don't leave us. We won't hurt you, never hurt you."

His emotions are in turmoil—fear, sadness, hurt, hopelessness, and loss, all melding into one.

I'm unable to move forward, held tight in his grasp. My heart breaks for him, surrounded by his emotions. I lean into his warmth, "I'm sorry your family didn't like me, didn't think I was good enough. But I promise, I would NEVER hurt you." Wetness starts to dampen my collarbone. Tears? Is he crying?

Raising my arm behind me, I stroke his long hair, massaging his scalp, and use the motion to turn my body to face him. With my back against the door, I gaze up at him, his eyes, leaving wet streaks down his face. My heart aches at seeing him like this.

I shake my head, trying to reconcile this man and the beast who took my choice away. "Why, Griffin? Why did my father not like you?"

I watch his adam's apple bob as he diverts his eyes, his face becoming blank, shame filling our bond. "I... I wasn't who he wanted for you. I was troubled when I was younger, and he didn't like that."

"Like what?" I'm about to push for answers, but a sudden wave of terror halts me.

"Not now, Doe, please," his eyes plead with mine, begging me not to push. Dropping to his knees, he buries his head into my stomach, repeating, "not now," and then, "please."

His words and emotions tug at my heartstrings, and I let the question fade for now. His face still buried in my stomach, I feel a sense of relief.

Griffin shifts. His mouth is now against the soft silk of my gown. His lips place gentle kisses along the length of the fabric while his hands run up and down my legs, sending tiny electric pulses straight to my core. Sniffing, he growls, his fingers now working their way around to the inside of my legs, nudging them apart to gain access to the pulsing apex in between.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now