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Liam's behavior still rattles me, so instead of leaving the confines of the study, I attempt to call Erin again before joining the clan for lunch. Thankfully, this time rather than diverting straight to the message bank, it goes through, Erin picking up on the third ring.

"Ava, are you okay?" Erin's voice comes over the line. Her words, even though sincere, come out strange, her tone off, withdrawn, which causes my concern for her to increase.

"What's going on, Erin?" I decide to respond, cutting straight to the point, my words sharp and concise, "And don't even attempt to bullshit me, I know something isn't right."

I wait for her standard snarky response but am met with silence on the other end of the line, followed by a sniffle, "Erin?" my voice softens, but my heart starts to race with shock, "babe, tell me what's going on?"

"I," sniffle, "I, Ava, it's so fucking complicated, I thought I would have more time, more time to explain, but..."

"Explain what, Erin? You aren't making any sense. Does this have to do with the Mitchells," I prod, then remembering back to the conversation from last night between Liam and herself, I add, "or Liam?"


"Erin, it's okay, whatever it is, you can tell me, you're my family, my only family," I remind her, pacing the room and biting at my nails.

"Both, I guess. No," Erin sniffles, her voice cracking, "Ava, look, I promise that I'll explain everything soon, but just know that I'm having some family shit happening that I'm dealing with, that won't wait, unfortunately. But Ava, once it's sorted, I promise you that I'll do what I can to be back for you and Isla as soon as I can."

Blinking and rubbing my temples, I attempt to calm myself and show patience. I know that whatever is happening to Erin must be serious for her to keep to herself, and internally, I break for my friend, my sister, who always tries to fix things alone. "Babe, promise me that you'll let me know if you need help, k."

"I will Ava, and Liam..." she pauses, phone static coming across the line, "his intentions are noble, but, promise me, don't make any decisions without knowing everything."

"What do you mean?" I press as she goes quiet. I can hear muffled voices in the background but can't make out what they're saying.

"Ava, I have to go," Erin replies, her voice almost a whisper, "you need to ask Liam how you break a mate bond before you go further." More muffled voices, this time I can distinctly hear the deep timbre of a man. "Shit Ava, I really have to go. I'll try to call you when I can, but..." Silence then more mumbled voices before Erin explodes at them, "FUCK I told you to give me a second, чертовски высокомерный мудак," then coming back to me. "Babe, I really have to go, Liam has promised to protect you, and even if he is a royal asshole, I believe him."

"Okay, Erin, be safe bitch."

"You too bitch, love you."

"Love you more."

The phone call ends, and I pocket my mobile before making my way to the kitchen. Siobhan is waiting outside and motions for me to head towards the living room to join Isla, who is sitting, alone as always, staring out the window. Before her, laid on a little side table, are two large bowls of a beef stew-like substance and buttered bread, fresh from the oven. "I thought you might prefer to eat out here," Siobhan offers, smiling down at Isla and running a hand through her hair. Expecting Isla's typical blank stare, I'm surprised when she tilts her head ever so slightly into the touch. I have yet to decide if Siobhan is genuine, but Isla's simple action makes me want to believe that she does care for her.

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now