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next day, everyone were taught some things about camping. it was already evening, and the teachers called the students to announce something.

"why" wooyoung sulked. the students were to be assigned in teams of four. and the team that found the treasure first, would win.

"woo, we are separated!!" san pouted, faking a cry dramatically while wooyoung just rolled his eyes.

"your number is four, right? i think i saw (y/n) with the same number!" san said, eyes teasing.

"shut up-"

"who's four!!! come here!!!!" a loud voice screamed.

"mingi, don't scream so much" (y/n) felt embarassed at the attention both mingi and her were getting.

"i was just trying to help, since you can't find your teammates." mingi pouted.

"so are you. look for people with number one" she said, gently pushing him forward.

"fine" he pouted again, looking around.

"you're four?" wooyoung asked her. eyes widening slightly, she turned to him and nodded.

(y/n) won't deny it. after all, she does have the biggest crush on him. her heart beat fast when she realized she was paired with him, for the day. it was a pure coincidence, but it was still so lucky.

"what are you smiling about? don't get all happy." he rolled his eyes for the nth time today.

(y/n) flushed, embarassed to have been caught. she immediately turned away from him, internally scolding herself for being so obvious.

"let's go find the other two" he said and looked around, (y/n) following behind.

(y/n)'s eye twitched at what she was seeing. ofcourse, life would never fail to remind her that if something good happens, bad things will come immediately after.

"woo baby, we are destined to be together!" adeline batted her eyelashes at him, which he obviously ignored. unfortunately for both of them, adeline got the number four too. (or more like, she forcefully exchanged the number she got with another student when she found out)

clinging to his arm, she turned back to (y/n), giving her a glare followed by a smirk.

"how immature" (y/n) muttered, rolling her eyes.

they found their other teammate, choi jongho. a couple of minutes (long painful moments of (y/n) watching adeline flirting with wooyoung) later, the game started.

"woo, let's ditch these losers and go somewhere else!" adeline said.

"no" wooyoung rolled his eyes, too tired to even bother with her.

"are those two dating?" jongho asked (y/n).

"no" she glared at adeline.

"you seem to hate her" jongho chuckled, noticing the tension between her and adeline.

"i don't hate her, but she's so.. ugh." (y/n) said. jongho shrugged, and both of them followed wooyoung and adeline.

while jongho and (y/n) spent the time looking for clues, adeline kept flirting with wooyoung.

"can't you see he's uncomfortable?" (y/n) asked.

"what? you're just jealous, (y/n). we all know you like him." adeline chuckled.

"yes i like him, so what? i don't make him uncomfortable like you do." (y/n) rolled her eyes.

wooyoung looked at her, a little shocked. he never knew (y/n) could talk back like that.

"i don't make him uncomfortable. woo, you like me or (y/n)?" she asked, pouting.

"neither. leave me alone, you're annoying." he pushed her back, walking away from the group.

"wooyoung, wait! don't go off on your own, you might get lost!" (y/n) called, but he paid no attention and walked away to god knows where.


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