Chapter 18 Off Limits & Comforts

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Her eyes opened lazily. Gently blinking open to see the familiar dark stretch of her bedroom walls.

The warmest butter yellow wallpaper, scrawled with roses and violets. The sheer lace curtains drifting hazily, like white smoke, in the breeze from the open window.

The purple blurred dots swaying outside the window focus into what she recognised as the lilac tree, beyond the frame of the open window-sill, where the moonlight spilled in.

She snuffles her nose into the pillow, mumbling a sleepy groan as she does. Resting her head on the pillow.

Then she feels the warm breath buffeting against the back of her neck. Fogging up her skin.

She blinks just that little bit wider awake.

Her body is a bit slower to the catch. However, when she shifts her hips, she can feel a big, solid arm wrapped around her middle, draped over her hip. Like a strong tree root that had wrapped around her in her sleep. As if a solid vine was growing especially to keep her rooted to the spot. Except vines didn't have sleeve tattoos. Nor did they smell so invitingly of Ormonde Jayne cologne.

She glances down and sees his ink mottled arm wedges her into the bed, and into the giant safe furnace of his body. His nipple rings hot and hard against her shoulders. His hair bleeding across to join with hers on the pillow. His hair was like an ink stain. Black in the middle, but a russet tinge of brown sullied the outer reaches of it. His cologne ebbing across on the hot air. She wonders if it would be detectable on her pillows. His scent soaking into them the way her perfume does, too.

His big fingers are also hooked between her legs. Almost in her pussy. Thick fingertips dipping in her wetness ever so slightly.

Even in his sleep Kylo keeps a claim on what is his.

She takes a second to feel his cavernous chest swelling and sinking behind her. She twists ever so slightly about to see him asleep at her back. That brutal, intense face gently sloped in rest, looked so impossibly benign and gentle, it makes her abdomen flutter.

He looked so kissable like this. So inviting. She wants to curl up into the hollow of his wide shoulder. Nestle her face there and kiss at his neck. Let her fingers trace those swirling patterns stabbed into his skin. Follow the scar that damned, rotten prison left him with. But if there was ever a man she knew to be volatile, it was him. She rescinds a prison visitors golden rule, and decides to keep her curious hands to herself.

She didn't feel like he'd harm her. Not now. But still, there in him, an edge lurked. A dangerous one that she hasn't quite mastered the knack of it yet. She errs on the cautious side. As always.

She can't help but notice how his full lips looked so tempting. And his dark eyelashes cast a spidery shadow down his fine cheek. She wants to reach out and touch him, admire this sleeping god of a man. The bedspread he'd draped over his hip, covering the sleeping giant she could feel resting limp against on his thigh. Still bloody huge even when he wasn't erect.

She wants to stay curled up like a housecat into his Grecian god form - but, her throat is rasping sore and crying out for a drink to moisten it.

She reaches for Kylo's arm, and gently slides it, out, and off her. Groaning breathily as his fingers brush her clit. She lets the enormous deadweight of it slip back to the bed. Cushioned into the mattress.

She shifts over, but finds her path blocked by another big wall of broad-backed muscle. She intakes a breath seeing Ben sprawled across her bed, head turned toward her, shaggy hair a mess against her flowery patterned pillows. His thick pale arms were crossing his chest and tummy. She half wonders to herself if Kylo hadn't shoved his twins wandering paws away from her naked body, if they came prowling across in the night.

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