Chapter 31 Calm & Easiness

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Stepping into Kylo's place uplifted her. Somehow made her feel cosy and safe. The same way she felt when coming home after a long day. It was a relief and an escape coming here. This luxury glass mansion up in the hills - decorated finely like a glossy page straight out of an interior magazine.

Kylo holds the door for her with one strong arm, letting her glide in with her meagre carpet bag of things. Kylo had smiled when she'd reappeared on her porch. Stating she was ready to go. That modest flowery bag hanging off her elbow. Somehow made him smile. The sheer fact she can make herself at home anywhere with so few things.

She steps into his warm, clean home. Without knowing it, he's made it a cosy place for her to be. It smells like lemons and neroli. As usual. It's tidy. Calm. Clean. She imagines it must be a nice relax for him not to be in her shabby chic messy little shack. Instead he can kick back in this big beautiful house. Feel at ease.

Only he doesn't. He doesn't look on this place with any sort of favour on his behalf. He's tired of it. Fed up, right through to his fucking bones, of this house. It had stopped being a faithful home to him years ago. Coming back from Prison only made it worse. Made him think of all the shitty things that had happened here. All the awful people in his life that had, thankfully, come and gone.

He thought about the night he got arrested. What he was doing before Ben's call came through - not knowing that night that being summoned by Ben to where he was, would end in disaster, and ultimately lead to a drastically violent alteration of his life.

He thought about every shitty ex he'd had, whose names all mushed into insignificance in his mind. He can't remember names. Or faces. He does remember the bad things. How shitty some of them made him feel. What awful shallow people they'd been. But then he was the same way, right back. He co-existed in a relationship where both parties cared about themselves first and foremost. Selfishly not giving a flying fuck about the other. As long as he got sex, and they got access to his generous amounts of money.

He doesn't like how this place drags up his ugly past for him whenever he steps foot inside it. Hates how the glass walls refract back at him, throwing back his scarred up reflection. He's even bored of the view. The garden. The pool. None of this house feels right anymore. Truth be told, he didn't even care to be here. He was currently searching for new plots of land to start all over-

New house. New land. New designs. New memories.

He had a feeling as he watched Evie cross into his dining room before him, setting her stuff down on the table, that she could help him get there with the new memories part. There was no denying it- she was a good person. Maybe he could use a little more of that. Someone not so self involved or money obsessed. Someone easy.

Fuck knows he's had to deal with enough shitty and difficult people in his life. People who annoyed him, embittered him, angered him. Now he quite likes the change of pace dealing with a girl like her. Easy. Kind. Shy. Different.

He folds his keys into his hand. His Gucci overnight-travel bag in the other as he watches her lay her tote bag down on the table. He doesn't realise he's staring at her until she looks up at him from where she's unpacking a bunch of novels she brought along for perusing. She gives him a meek, seeking smile.

He knows she probably thinks he was too rough with her last night. And he was. But to his mind; Ben had got off lightly and so had she. He was capable of far worse to those who'd disobeyed him in the past. No one seems to realise just how cruel he was capable of being.

She had mellowed his abrasiveness a little. Through her body. With sex. Calmed him down a little - the barest scant amount - cause in the end he didn't edge her for hours like he planned to do. He fucked her raw instead. An alternative punishment. Giving her too much of him til they both collapsed. He knew she'd be a sore wreck today. Sex was off the cards - for now.

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