Chapter 20 Fetish for Love & Punishments

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Once again, when Kylo woke up in her antique, cosy little bed. Naked, clammy from sleep, and wrapped in bedsheets he'd made her cum all over the night before. The same thing happened as last time...

He stretched out his big hand to find his soft, bare kitten. And found only cooling bedsheets in her place. The warmth still on them his only imprint of company.

His eyes peel fully open. The suns not even fully awake in the sky yet either. Purple and peach bruise the sky in a fantastic array of colours. Where she's left the window open, the chilling bite of the air tells him the day isn't even thawing away the cool of night just yet.

He growls lowly in the back of his throat. His incessant morning wood already strangling his mood to become a sour one. For his perfect, personal pussy isn't here, by his side, for him to sink his Cock into. That sets off a spreading annoyance to spear into his chest. It's almost immature of him, in a way, his mood being set crooked and enraged by the mere fact he wasn't fucking her half to death already.

He growls again and heaves himself up out of bed. Mood turning like a cold shift of wind on a warm summers day. Thunder clouds gathering in his eyes. Making his impatient cock throb more annoyingly where it wagged straight between his legs.

He grabs his underwear, and yanks it sharply up to his hips. He slams a hand to the bathroom door, it clatters open and shows him the narrow, dark of her empty en-suite.

He rounds her bedroom door to the landing and his feet pound the steps as he goes down each one. The old wood creaked and cracked under his fury and his weight. The kitchen is devoid of her. As is her study and the living room.

No Kitten.

His dark eyes turn toward the front door. In the dimness of the hallway where the mornings barely lit it. His pupils shimmer black and the whites of his eyes glint silver as he scans the gardens.

The ache between his thighs, and tugging like a hooked fishing line caught in his stomach, was starting to become unbearable. He needs his soft, small little toy under him. On top of him. Stretched split wide on his erection. He needs her right fucking now. Before the antsy anger in his blood boils over.

He heads for the front door and hauls it open. Curtains over the window slap on the sudden air. He steps onto the porch. Cold wooden boards tingling his soles underfoot. He treads the boards until he comes to the side of the house. Eyes fixating on the small figure that bobbed and weaved amongst the greenery of her vegetable garden.

She stood out stark from the surrounding woods. A purple blue morning oozed our from the background of the woods. Every patch of her garden was dark green and dense before sunlight got to it. She was an outstanding spec of colour amongst the sea of green. Especially in her tatty blue shirt and jeans. And a flouncy, drooping straw hat sat on her head.

She was fixated. Currently bending right over to pull out some weeds with her gloved hands. Taunting him with that round little ass in tight indigo jeans. The ass in question belonged back in bed. Beside him. Or being pounded into by his powerful hips as he did her doggy from behind.

His cock pulses and throbs heavy with that temptation.

He's barefoot and naked, save for severely tented boxers. But that doesn't stop him. Nothing will. He bounds down the steps and feels cool earth dig between his toes. He strides over to where she's stood.

So close now he can smell her perfume on the air. See the coil of her hair folded forwards over her shoulder. The way her clothes rustled, rasping as she steps over a neat row of cabbages.

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