Chapter 57 Missions & Matriarchs

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Dinner was a noisy affair. Heralded by far too much white wine and the impossible geniality of their vineyard surroundings. After days of it being just her and Kylo talking over dinner, in bustling romantic bistros, and on sunset terraces. Just them two. She's on sensory drunk overload here, with everyone she adores-

- and it's wonderful.

After giving Hux and Ben a great big squeeze of a hug - Hux turned as red as his hair. Ben merely smirks as she throws herself in his chest and thanks them both for coming. She then sits between Flo and Kylo. Arthur opposite, next to Hux, Ben next to his partner. Opposite his brother. Evie notices that Ben strokes his boyfriends arm as they sit near. It warms her to the backbone to know they're loved up too.

Flo pours her a very large glass of wine as she sits down. Matter of fact - true to form, the old lady doesn't stop filling Evie's glass til it nearly flows over. Does the same to Kylo's.

"I gotta say honey, you sure do pick the locations. It's such a beautiful spot for it." She winks over at Kylo.

He grins that tipping smirk. "I'm glad you like it, Flo. I'm so pleased you guys could make it." And he really was. But it was impossible that anyone who saw the view from the hotel terrace could find this place wanting.

Flo pssshe's loudly. "You think we wouldn't clear our schedules for this?!" She smiles gratefully. Gesturing around with her wine glass to the lights in the trees. Where the honey light battled for dominance with the silver moon as to what cast light over the tips of the green olive trees first.

"We chose this trip over a christening, a retirement party, and a funeral back home." Flo says with too much pride.

"Flo..." Evie laughs. But really she was heartened they warranted such importance. "You're missing Georgia's christening for us?" She asks with a note of sadness to her second-grandma.

"We've been to twenty-six christenings in the past year alone, toots." Flo says. "One in the same. Baby in water. Babble about god. Same old-same old." She waves off casually.

Kylo's chuckling at Flo's method for prioritising her family. "She's taking lots of pictures to show to us when we get back." He nods to smooth away Evie's fears.

"They're all sorry that more of them couldn't come, of course, what with the kids being in school and everything." Arthur interjects politely over to her and Kylo.

Because Kylo did extend the invite to all of them. His little fan club included. Apparently they had sent them along a wedding present with their grandparents.

"Besides..." Flo says before chugging more wine. "I'm bettin' May ain't done reproducin' yet neither. Her and her husband want to try for a boy. They got three girls now. They got a few more attempts to go as of yet." She says sneakily.

Evie's blushing and shaking her head at Flo's frankness. Arthur leans over to Hux. "If it didn't take all those hours on the flight over to get used to my wife, I'm sure you boys are getting it now." He jokes with them.

Hux beams. Flo had spent most of the flight sat next to him, proudly showing his family photos of all her grandbabies. She even snuck in a few of Evie as a baby to show off too. Arthur and Ben bonded over beers as they talked business. Arthur still had a few friends who worked in Ben's field of work in the marketing and banking world.

"I don't come from a vastly big family. And I seldom get the chance to attend a wedding. So Kylo and Evie you can have my sincere thanks for inviting me on this vacation. Not to downplay the gorgeousness of your nuptials - but I really desperately needed a break from work." Hux grins. Flo clamours and leans over to clink her wine glass with him. Agreeing heartily with the redhead.

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