Chapter 60 Bachelors & Ceremonies

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Ben sways back into the pool house room. The groom room - as it were. Evie's letter clutched in his suave fingers. And the handsome moody groom is suited up and ready. Just slipping his Fendi monogrammed cuff-links in his white sleeves. Waistcoat and tie on. Jacket lay pressed and ready on the neat bed.

Kylo eyes his twin in the mirror as he flounces his way back in, letter in hand. Kylo's smile quirks up at the corners and he turns to face him. Slotting the last cufflink through. Doing it up.

"You do know I'm not a postal service." Ben says. Playfully laying the letter into Kylo's waiting hand.

"Really? Then I must ask what the purpose of you is?" Kylo sarks lowly. Looking down at the letter. At Evie's loopy neat hand.

"How is she?" Kylo asks. Flickers his eyes up to Ben. Who grins at his twins curiosity. Can see the enquiry chip at those honey-flint eyes.

"She's a radiant bride. Glowing with all happiness." Ben mocks.

Kylo rolls his eyes. Holds the letter in both hands. "I assume you can amuse yourself for a half hour?"

"Sure? You might need help with the big words." Ben grins at him. Kylo's stoic glare pierces into his brother.

"I will be at the bar." He smiles. Patting Kylo's shoulder before he smirks and sets off on course for a whiskey. Wedding in just an hour. Doing up his jacket as he goes.

Kylo listens for the latch on the walled door before he steps out to the terrace. He opens the letter hastily as he heads around the villa, to the gardens overlooking the vineyard. He perched himself on the white day bed.

Curls forwards. Places his elbows on his knees and reads. Doesn't know why he felt he wanted to read it out here, under the bay trees and the old oaks. Sat on the manicured lawn with the scent of lavender in his nose: it seemed like something his Evie would do.

So he unfurls the folded cream paper, scans the familiar hand in neat navy blue ink, and then he proceeds to read her letter;

My dearest Kylo,

I am no stranger to reading about love. Matter of fact; it seemed to be what drew me to writing in the first place. The fact I might get the opportunity to pen words of great love stories. And now I get to write this to you, my beautiful fiancé.

I'm glad my first love letter goes out to you.

Jenny Han once wrote 'If love is like a possession, maybe my letter is my exorcism." I adore this quote because that's exactly what I've always thought and dreamed that great love is all about; possession, adoration and longing. Fevered mad and passionate.

Only my love for you? Oh, It is so so much more.

I put a lot of stock in the power of words (after all I am a writer down to the very marrow of my bones) but no words that I can summon will ever be tolerable enough to tell you how much I love you.

Our love is more than words. More than a mere inked sentence on a piece of paper. Somehow what we have is more than love.

As amazing as this whole wedding has been; as much fun as I've had planning it and how much I've laughed, I can't wait for the days to follow it. Because that means we'll be home, and working on building a life together. Our life.

You've become my home. There can never be anywhere else for me to be - because being with you? That is my new belonging.

You are a great man and I mean that in the strongest, truest sense of the phrase. You feel deeply, think deeply, and live deeply. I admire that about you so much. You're such a wonderful man Kylo. I'm the luckiest woman breathing to soon bear the title of being your wife. A title I hope I do you proud in, every day.

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