Chapter One:

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Madison fell to her knees in tears from the last text she would ever receive from her beloved sister 'This might be the last time you'll ever hear from me but remember that I love you and I will always love you no matter where I am. I beg of you....Please protect the McCall pack. Protect them all -Allison' and that was it, she would never see her sister again. The one person that meant the most to her.

That night Madison contacted her father. She hoped he'd play by Allison's rules. She hoped that he hadn't already been sucked into Gerard's evilness. She took a deep breath and prepared for her new life in Beacon Hills. She prepared to double-cross her grandfather. To avenge Allison's death.

Madison had many hidden talents. Ones you wouldn't expect a person to have. Ones that doesn't come easy but challenges you for the greater good. You see Gerard experimented on Madison as a child. Changed her into someone else. Into something else but she only ever used her powers to save the people in danger.

Her father had a plan. A plan to act as if they were on the right side which meant Madison would have to be careful. She would do anything in her power to protect the McCall pack even if that meant betraying her own blood. She would never betray her sister, but she figured it was a good thing that her father was on her side. That her father was prepared to double-cross Gerard when the time was right.

Madison was prepared to protect the people who deserved to be saved. What happened to Allison wasn't the McCall pack's fault. She knew the real culprit which was one of the reason she would work side by side with her father to destroy Gerard. The only worry Madison felt was for her Best friend Corey and his boyfriend Mason.

Moving to Beacon Hills would mean she'd be leaving them behind in London which could potentially put them in danger. Gerard knew the truth about them, and Madison knew that he would stop at nothing to destroy them. She just had to destroy him before he even got the chance to get close to them.

Madison packed every last item into her car and locked her front door for the very last time. This would be the last time she'd be stepping foot in that house. She hated it. She hated every moment of this, but she needed to do what was right. She needed to do right by Allison.

She gave her best friend one last hug before she set off on her journey. It broke her heart to leave Corey. She knew he'd be safer if she wasn't around. Gerard's priority was in Beacon Hill and if she made an appearance she knew Corey and Mason would be in safe hands considering she'd have Gerard in her sights.

She drove across the bridge that lead her to Beacon Hills. She couldn't help but feel sad. Being in the town she knew her sister loved brought back her favorite memories about her. Memories she could never relive.

She wanted to shout. She wanted to scream. She'd do anything to get her sisters attention. Anything to see her one last time. She would trade places with her in a heartbeat because Madison knew that Allison didn't deserve to die. She had a happy life that she'd never be able to finish living.

Madison followed the directions that her satnav took her. She was following a small root to a quiet housing estate called River-Side. She pulled into the small housing estate where her father greeted her at the drive-way. He had the biggest smile any father would after not seeing his daughter for a few years.

Chris pulled his daughter into the tightest hug he could give. He's missed Madison. The only daughter he had left. She expected him to be cold considering Allison's death but the comforting way he welcomed her gave her the hope she needed to have. The hope that one day Allison's death would be avenged. That Gerard's vendetta against the supernatural would be put to a stop.

Chris showed Madison around her new home, it was beautiful. The training room became Madison's favorite room mainly because of how many weapons her father owned. Madison was a trained Argent, a hunter but she was also something else. Something her father didn't know about.

When Gerard experimented on Madison he made sure to destroy every last piece of evidence to hide the fact he'd hurt his own blood. If Chris found out the truth he'd kill Gerard for what he did to his daughter.

Madison un-packed the boxes from her car with the help of her father and placed them into the room that would be hers. She figured she'd start un-packing the boxes over the weekend after she got herself settled. Settling into her new school and meeting the pack was her main priority.

She walked down the hall to see what she feared most. Allison's bedroom. Madison knew coming back to Beacon Hills would mean she'd see the memories Allison had made. The happy memories that made Allison's life worth living. The friendships she had made with the McCall pack. The love she found with Scott McCall.

The thought of Scott watching Allison die broke Madison's heart. Nobody deserved to lose the person they loved most in the world. Luckily for Madison she never had that. She never found someone that made her life worth living. She never found someone that she could love the most and she didn't even have hope that one day she might find that.

She opened Allison's bedroom door being hit with the perfume Allison constantly wore. The smell comforted her, it reminded her of how much she loved her sister. She looked around her beloved sisters room and found a bunch of photos attached to the mirror. Madison took a closer look at the photos but couldn't recognize anyone other than Scott McCall. She picked up a rose necklace with Allison's name engraved into the rose and placed it around her neck. She wanted something to remind her of her sister, something that would keep her close to her.

Madison took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she left her sisters room. She wanted to stay close to her sister, but she knew she couldn't stay in her room forever. It would destroy her. Make her think to the point she felt numb inside and that's exactly what she didn't want. She needed to stay focused

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