Chapter Sixteen:

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Nolan stormed out of Madison's bedroom and into the living room where Kate was attending to Mason's wounds "She never intended on coming back for me.....did she?" he shouted as he held the note Madison had left him in the air 'I'm sorry I had to do this but it was for your own safety. I can't lose you as well as Corey – Madison'

"She's in as much danger as I am. Gerard wants her dead which means she'll be dead" Nolan yelled, a tear slowly sliding down his cheeks "I get that you guys can deal with death in ways I could never understand but I couldn't deal if Madison was to end up dead" he added.

"You have to understand she's doing this to protect you because she cares about you. I'm sorry but I'm just doing as I'm told" Kate answered the fragile boy "you can try and stop me but I'm going to find Madison" Nolan told her.

He threw on his varsity jacket and rushed to the door, pulling on the doorknob, and opening the door to the black sky. He began walking out the door when all of a sudden he felt himself being pushed back wards "What the hell?" he shouted, turning himself around to face the duo sat on the settee.

"I told you.......she'd do anything to protect you" Kate firmly informed the boy who looked furious "She shouldn't be doing magic....It could kill her" Nolan answered. Kate placed a kind hand on his shoulder and said "If it was between herself and you, she'd choose you"

Madison took Scott's hand in hers as she led the pack through the house, stopping at the sight of Gerard with Chris. Corey laid on the floor next to Gerard's feet staring blankly at him "I gave you one failed. I can't believe you let the boy escape" Gerard snapped "How was I supposed to know....this nit-wit managed to unlock his handcuffs?" Chris half-yelled pointing at Corey.

"The McCall's pack coming for you.....I bet they're on the way as we speak. The more time you waist arguing over the situation, the quicker they'll find you and the second they do....I won't hesitate to kill you" Corey snapped. Gerard chuckled in response, suddenly pulling a gun from his pocket, and pulling the trigger "not if I kill you first" he said before Corey fell to the floor, bleeding out.

Madison felt the darkness take over. The darkness she tried her hardest to keep buried but Gerard had pushed her last buttons "Corey" She shouted causing the entire pack to be visible again. The scream had knocked the cloaking spell away.

"Incendia" She muttered under her breath, rubbing her hands together to form a fire ball. She threw the fire ball at Gerard knocking him to the ground. Chris gave his daughter a small head shake but she chose to ignore him.

"You think you can just rid the world of the supernatural when you made me like this?" Madison shouted, slowly walking towards Gerard who now looked terrified "I've been the McCall pack's secret weapon the entire time and you didn't have a clue" she added. Madison chuckled, the black vein traveled to her neck "I can feel her.....she's surfacing and she's thirsting for your blood" Madison smirked.

Madison gave Scott and the pack the signal to attack the second a group of hunters surrounded them. Jordan jumped at Madison but ended up on the floor "How the hell did you find us?" Gerard shouted in between spitting blood, from the blow to his head Madison had caused "I can find anyone" Madison answered. Scott transformed into his werewolf form and knocked Jordan to the ground before he could do any damage to Madison.

"Oh, come know that won't kill me. Remember? You made a special weapon to kill me, I'm surprised you haven't got any on you" Madison screamed knocking the gun out of Gerard's hands. She picked her grandfather up by the throat and threw him backwards.

Madison could feel the power within her take over. She could feel the darkness coming out. Madison walked closer toward her grandfather and prepared to attack. Her eyes turned into a pool of darkness. They were no longer her original colour.

Derek spung at one of the hunters and threw him across the room, knocking him unconscious. He watched as the veins from Madison's neck traveled up her face. He grabbed a hold of Madison's arm only to be thrown backwards "Take Corey and leave before I hurt you too" she shouted to her friends. She could no longer control who she hurt.

"You killed my best friend and now I'm going to kill you" Madison told him before she whispered the words "Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum" Gerard's arm snapped, he screamed in pain "Chris.....Do something" he begged his son. Chris nodded in return and slowly snuck up behind his daughter "I wouldn't do that" she snickered, blowing him away with the wind that travel out of her hands.

She took a deep breath before she knelt down in front of Gerard. Preparing herself to cast another spell until she felt a gust of wind blow her across the room. Lydia screamed at the top of her lungs and threw Madison to the wall "You can't stop me" Madison exclaimed before grabbing Lydia by the throat and threw her into the wall causing her head to bleed.

"If I were you I'd run" Derek informs Gerard, nodding at Chris to get the hell out of there. Chris grabbed Gerard by the arms and pulled him through the door, making sure they were out of sight "If I were you I'd run too" Madison half-yelled at the McCall pack. Lydia took a deep breath and let the power consume her where she blew Madison to the wall. Scott prepared to pounce at Madison, but she kicked him to the ground.

"You won't beat me. Madison's gone.....and there's no getting her back" Madison laughed. She gripped Lydia by the throat and prepared to throw a fire ball. Lydia began to feel scared; she didn't know how far the demon would go. She didn't know if Madison was still in there if Madison would appear to help but she never did.

Lydia prepared herself for what was about to happen when all of sudden Stiles knocked Madison over the head with his base ball bat. She collapsed to the floor, falling unconscious. The black veins slowly started to disappear. Stiles looked over at his best friend, noticing the tears stream down his cheeks.

"Scott.....what are you doing?" Stiles asked him. Scott turned to look at his pack and said "s-she's a-alive" He picked up her unconscious body from the ground and came into sight. There in Scott's arms laid Allison Argent. 

The Protector [1] Nolan HollowayWhere stories live. Discover now