Chapter Ten:

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Madison currently sat in front of her mirror, staring at herself. She felt drained. She couldn't stop thinking about Corey, her heart broke from the fact she may never see her best friend again. First her sister and now her best friend. She wasn't going down without a fight.

Stiles honked his horn so Madison would know he'd arrived. Nolan had already left the house to grab a few essentials from his. He felt a distance between himself and Madison ever since she'd grown closer to Stiles. He still didn't understand the Corey situation and couldn't help but think he was Madison's boyfriend. He felt different, he felt jealous.

Madison grabbed her bag from her chair and headed down the stairs, stopping the second she heard her phone chime 'stay upstairs and stay hidden - Dad' a text read. She chose to ignore her father's message and proceed down the stairs until she recognized a voice. Gerard's voice.

Madison peeped her head around the corner, her eyes meeting her fathers who nodded to the stairs and mouthed 'don't move' She took a deep breath and looked out the window to see Stiles' jeep across the road. She admired the Boy she'd fallen for in the back of the jeep, she smiled to herself as her thoughts wandered to Nolan. She felt worried for him, she didn't want Gerard to catch him.

"your idiot daughter has been contacting the Boy" Gerard informed his son. Chris raised his eyebrow and asked, "what boy?" "The Chimera, Corey Bryant" Gerard half-yelled "you've taken Corey?" Chris said flicking his father across his ear, adding "you idiot"

Gerard felt shocked from his son's actions, he was clueless "and if she keeps contacting him, he'll be dead" Gerard exclaimed. Madison felt her heart drop, Corey was alive which meant there was still hope she could save him.

There was a chance she could get her best friend back. She would stop at nothing to keep her friends safe even if that meant tapping into her dark side, she didn't want to but if her dark side was the only way to save everyone then she'd do it.

"What do you expect me to do about it? Huh.... I haven't spoken to Madison for over a year" Chris snapped, turning his direction to Madison, and forming a small smile on his lips. He felt concerned for his daughter because he knew for a fact, she'd risk her life for everyone else. He was scared of losing her.

Gerard handed Chris a cell phone from his coat pocket and said "text your damn daughter from the boy's phone and make out that he's fine" Chris sighed and began typing letters into the text keyboard.

Once Gerard was out of sight, Madison ran out the door and into Stiles' jeep, wiping a tear from her face. Stiles turned to her and asked, "what happened in there?" He placed a hand onto Madisons hand for comfort. Nolan slouched down in his seat, trying to hide his reaction from Stiles' actions.

"Gerard's got Corey's phone, if I can somehow get my hands onto that phone then I can do a locator spell to find him but I'm going to need your help" Madison informs both boys. Nolan nodded in reply but stayed quiet, he didn't feel comfortable enough to talk. In this moment he started to dislike Stiles. Stiles on the other hand started the engine to his jeep and said "I'm here with whatever you need. We'll get through this together"

The second they arrived outside the school; Nolan walked off in a huff leaving Madison behind with Stiles. She felt confused from his behaviour. She gave Stiles a small wave before she rushed after Nolan, placing a hand onto his shoulder to stop him from going any further "What's the matter?" Madison asked him. He refused to look at her, putting his hand over his face as he tried to hide the tears that rolled down his face.

Madison pulled his hand away from his face and laced their fingers together, she used her other hand to wipe away the tears that fell from his eyes "I-I feel as if you've r-replaced me" he stuttered. Madison couldn't believe what she was hearing. The boy she'd started falling for thought he was replaceable.

She lifted the boys chin up and said "oh baby.... you're not replaceable" not realizing what she had said, she continued with "I'd never replace you" placing a soft kiss onto his cheek. He smiled at the cute name she still hadn't realized she said.

Nolan walked hand in hand with Madison through the car park until Madison let go. He turned to look at her and followed her gaze to her father, who had just pulled up into the car park. He waved her over to him, she obeyed and dragged Nolan with her.

Madison leant down onto the open window and watched her father's movements. He took a phone out from his pocket and handed it to his daughter, she felt relief the second he handed her the phone. She couldn't help but smile "I can find him with a locator spell. How'd you manage to keep this?" she asked her father who replied with "I promised I'd help you find him. Now go and find him before it's too late"

Madison led Nolan into the alley way behind the school and knelt down onto her knees. Nolan watched from the side as the leaves began to blow around them. Madison squeezed onto the phone tightly with her eyes closed and repeated the spell "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem"

The phone fell out of Madison's hands and onto the floor. The locator spell directed her to a black emptiness. Someone was blocking her magic; Gerard had a witch on his side "Did it work?" Nolan asked her, she shook her head in reply.

Madison refused to give up. She took a deep breath and prepared to go further. She knew by doing the next spell could risk tapping into her dark side. The side she didn't want anybody to see but if she had to choose between Corey or herself, she'd choose Corey. Madison picked the phone up from the ground and re-closed her eyes, whispering the words "We du le mon ennemi on ton"

Madison's eyes turned from a soft brown colour to a deep black. She watched as Corey's face came into her mind. She smiled to herself from the fact he was still alive until she heard the screaming, until she saw the blood. She threw her hands to her ears and screamed in pain, she screamed with Corey as the hunters continued to torture him. She felt her mind being consumed with darkness "Maddie...please come back to me" she heard the boys voice say. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, the darkness had gone, the visions had gone but not before she caught a name 'East side road' she knew exactly where Corey was. 

The Protector [1] Nolan HollowayWhere stories live. Discover now