Chapter Eight:

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Madison jumped out of Stiles' jeep and followed as he skipped around the corner. He seriously needed to stay off the Adderall, there was never a day he wasn't energetic. Madison had learnt that the day she met the hyperactive boy with the sarcasm. Little did she know that Nolan wouldn't be the only important person in her life, Stiles would soon be just as important.

She grabbed a hold of Stiles' hand the second she heard a male voice. She poked her head around the corner and spotted Gerard with her father and another hunter. Madison shook her head at Stiles and laced her hand with his, she closed her eyes and said "Invisique"

Once the duo were completely invisible she gave Stiles the go ahead to continue to walk past the hunters and her father, as she walked past her father she purposely bumped into him and handed him a piece of paper that read 'keep them away from the layer -M'

Madison jumped down from the ladder that lead to the layer and watched as Stiles splashed about in the dirty water "Seriously? Could you act like more of a child?" Madison chuckled with a sarcastic tone. Stiles laughed at her words and said "Like you can do it any better" Madison's facial expression went from sarcastic to giggly, she kicked her feet in the water and splashed Stiles in the face.

"'ve proven your point" Stiles groaned "Come on" he added as he held his hand out from behind hinting for Madison to take it which she did, her fingers laced with his and she followed him down the tunnels until they reached a locked door "Phasmatos siprum, emnis abortum, fasila quisa exilum san" Madison mutters where the door flung itself open.

Inside the room stood an empty layer "You've got to be kidding me. He's moved everything, he knew we were coming" Madison snapped, feeling annoyed at herself "If I had realized sooner we could've caught Nolan's in even more danger than before" she added. Stiles placed a caring hand onto her shoulder and said "We'll figure it out together"

Stiles unlocked the doors to his jeep and opened the door for Madison to get inside. The pack had already set off home after the bad news Madison had to break to them leaving Nolan devastated but there was nothing nobody could do except her father. Madison placed her hand on top of Stiles' and said "Invisique – undo" returning Both herself and Stiles back in sight.

The next day Madison prepared herself for another day at school. She prepared to keep the boy she'd started to fall for safe even if that meant putting herself in danger. She walked through the halls of Beacon Hills High, feeling someone's hand lace with hers, she turned to the side to see Nolan standing next to her.

Just as the pair began to take their seats in English class, Madison heard her phone chime 'I know you're in school but I need you home....Now – Dad' She crinkled her nose at the text she received from her father and got herself ready to leave but not before she grabbed Nolan.

Nolan followed the dark hair girl through the car park with a questioning look. He grabbed a hold of her hand and she stopped in her tracks "What's going on?" he asked the worried girl in front of him. She laced their fingers together and said "My father wants to see me but I'm not leaving you here unprotective. I'd die before I let anything happen to you"

Nolan felt his heartbeat faster in his chest. He felt the power she had over him, the power of love. Did she really care for him that much? Would she really put her life on the line for him? He couldn't understand why she cared so much, she never showed her emotions around him or so he thought.

Madison pulled up into the driveway outside her house to see her father standing on the front door porch. Madison watched as her father's eyes darted around the floor, she knew something wasn't right. She felt in her gut that something bad was about to happen. Something she wouldn't be able to stop "I don't know how to tell you this, but I think Gerard has Corey. I think that's why he moved the layer so I wouldn't find out about Corey" Chris broke the news to his daughter.

She felt her heart smash into a million pieces. One of the people she loved most in this world could be dead. Nolan laced his fingers with hers the second he noticed a tear slip down her cheek. He wanted to comfort her. He wanted to tell her it was going to be okay, yet he couldn't because he didn't know if anything was going to be okay again.

"D-Do you think h-he's d-dead?" Madison stuttered "h-he can't be d-dead. I can't lose him; we have to find him. We have to make him the priority. I won't stop until we find him" she added, dropping to her knees in sadness. She ripped her hand away from Nolan's and he backed away. He felt a sudden feeling grow over him 'is Corey her boyfriend?' Nolan thought to himself.

Chris knelt down in front of his teary daughter. Lifting her chin up to face him, he said "I'm going to do everything in my power to find him, I want you to phone Corey's phone....okay. Can you do that for me?" Madison nodded her head in return and took out her phone.

Just as Chris thought Corey's phone went straight to voicemail 'I know you have him and I'm coming for you. Please if there was ever a part of you that cared about me don't hurt him. I love him and I can't live my life without him in it' Madison pressed send and let the voicemail send, hoping Gerard would receive it.

She wiped the tears away from her face and turned to look at Nolan who gave her an awkward smile. Something with the way Nolan reacted to her reaction about Corey gave her a bad vibe, as if he no longer trusted her. She watched as her father's eyes widened at the sight of a red Ford Focus pull into the street.

"You need to get the hell of here.....Now" her father shouted just as Gerard opened the drivers car. Madison gripped onto Nolan's hand and blabbered the word "Invisique" Chris sighed in relief due to the fact he could no longer see his daughter and the fragile boy she'd grown feelings for.

Madison waited until Chris took her grandfather inside the house and said "Invisique – undo" She looked at Nolan and nodded to the car "Let's go" she told him in a depressive tone. She felt heartbroken. She felt lost without her best friend.

Madison sat outside the school car park with Nolan by her side, she stared at the photo on her phone screen. The photo of her and Corey living one of their best moments. She missed him deeply, leaving him in London was the hardest thing she'd ever done. It was the worst mistake she ever made. 

The Protector [1] Nolan HollowayWhere stories live. Discover now