Chapter Fourteen:

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Madison walked through the halls of Beacon Hills High, feeling hopeless, feeling lost. She hadn't heard from or seen Nolan since the party. He never came back to her aunt's. He never returned to her fathers which started to worry her. The pack hadn't spoken to him, or at least that's what they told Madison.

She didn't understand what she did wrong. She couldn't understand why he just left her. She wanted an explanation. Madison never meant to fall for the shy and fragile boy, but things don't always turn out the way you'd expect. Sometimes life surprises you in way you'd never expect.

Madison prepared to take her seat in English until she spotted Nolan heading in before her, she watched as the young boy took a seat next to Scott leaving Madison to sit with Lydia "What's going on between you two?" Lydia asked her friend. Madison flicked her eyes at the boy sat in front of her then back to Lydia saying "I don't know"

Mrs. Blake had given the whole class and assignment, one that involved how they felt. Madison wasn't prepared to read hers out to the class considering her feelings were based towards Nolan. She took a deep breath and stood in front of the classroom. Her eyes locking to Nolan's the second she stood up.

"I um- Didn't really know what to write about. My feelings have been all over the place lately, so I've found this assignment difficult it goes" Madison started "I met a boy. One that brought out feelings I thought I'd never feel, one that I think I've lost but that doesn't change the way I feel. I never meant to fall for him, but I did" Madison said loudly. Mrs. Blake gave her a soft smile and said "Thank you Madison. I hope you find what you're looking for"

Nolan didn't know how to feel, he didn't want to confess his feelings for Madison to reject him, but he wanted nothing more than to be with her. He grabbed a hold of his bag from under the table and ran out the classroom door.

Mrs. Blake shouted for Nolan, but she received no answer "I'm sorry" Madison told her teacher before she ran out after him. She followed Nolan down the corridor, trying to catch up to him yet he refused to stop. He refused to talk to her.

"Nolan" Madison shouted, trying to gain his attention. He carried on walking down the hall, he was frightened to talk to her, frightened to admit how he felt. He didn't want to get hurt "Nolan.....please don't ignore me. I don't understand what I did wrong" Madison squeaked. Finally, he came to a stop.

"What the hell was that in class.....Why did you do that?" He shouted, she could feel the tears threaten to spill as she said "because it's how I feel" "You had no right to confess that in front of everyone" Nolan replied, finally turning around to face the girl "and you had no right to kiss me then disappear. You had no right to leave me questioning the way you did" Madison snapped. She refused to feel guilty.

"I don't have feelings for Stiles. I never did. I like you Nolan.....I have always liked you since day one. It's never been about anybody else. You're not replaceable, I could never replace you but I'm done trying to prove that I like you" Madison added before she turned her back to the boy she loves and slowly started to walk away, tears rolling down her face.

Nolan felt like an idiot. He should've listened to his heart....not his head. He ran around the corner, grabbing a hold of Madison's arm and crashing his lips to hers. She pulled away shocked from his actions and said "I wasn't supposed to fall for you.....I was supposed to protect you" "Maybe you were supposed to do both" Nolan whispered before re-connecting their lips.

He interlocked his hands with hers, gently pushing her against the lockers as he deepened the kiss. Pulling away he said "I want to be with you" Madison couldn't help but smile. Lifting herself up onto her toes and placing another kiss to his soft lips.

He snaked his arms around her back, pulling her body closer to his. He pressed his head against hers, gently pecking her lips when suddenly the doors smashed open and a guy collapsed onto the floor. A pool of blood flowing around his unconscious body.

Madison took a closer look to the boy on the floor, Nolan gripping at her hands pulling her backwards but she ripped her hand from his the second she recognized the body "Mason" Madison shouted, running to his side.

" that really you?" Mason cried, she laced her hands with his and said "Look at me.....It's really me, I'm here. I'm real" Nolan helped Madison lift Mason up from the ground where they carried him over toward her car. Placing him in the back seat, Madison sat with his head in her lap whilst Nolan drove the car to Kate's.

"How did you escape?" Madison asked her best friends boyfriend "Your father......he let me go" Mason answered, "and Corey?" she said, a look of sadness forming onto her face. She looked down at Mason who refused to give eye contact.

"he um- He told me to leave him. The hunters tried to stop me, but Corey stood in the way.....I think he's dead" Mason told her, a saddened tone in his voice. Madison wiped a tear away the second it fell from her eyes. She didn't want to look weak. She didn't want to feel weak.

Mason could feel the burning appear in his throat, the blood slowly flowing through his body to his mouth. He winced from the pain, coughing small amounts of blood up "Maddie.....I-It h-hurts" he stuttered. Madison looked through the middle mirror at Nolan and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before she proceeded to go through with her plan.

Madison grabbed a hold of Mason's hand, closing her eyes and whispered "Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala" She listened as Mason's breathing steadied. She felt her chest grow tighter from the pain she'd consumed from Mason.

From a distance she saw Nolan watching her through the mirror. She closed her eyes for a split second and when she opened them again, all Nolan saw was darkness. The girl he loves was slowly fading away into darkness.  

The Protector [1] Nolan HollowayWhere stories live. Discover now