Chapter Nine:

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Madison listened as a notification came through to the fragile boys phone sat on the top of the radio in the car 'A dead chimera's been found in the woods. Do not tell Madison – Scott' Madison flicked her eyes at the boy sitting next to her then back at his phone "I guess there's no hiding that" Nolan blurted out.

He watched as the dark-haired girls eyes filled with anger. She started the car engine and drove to Beacon Hills Preserve. There was no hoping hell she was letting Scott get away with not telling her about the dead Chimera. You see her best friend Corey was a Chimera.

Madison walked through the preserve; her hand attached to Nolan as she dragged him along with her. She wasn't letting him get away that easily. She wasn't angry at him, but she'd was upset that he didn't inform her about Scott's plan. About the pack knowing about dead Chimera's.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Derek snapped at her "Little hint.....if you don't want me to know something, make sure Nolan's not with me first" Madison half-yelled. Scott looked at her with sympathetic eyes and said "we didn't want to tell you.....just in case it was-" Madison cut him off and walked closer to the dead Chimera's body that laid on the floor "i-is it it C-Corey?" she asked the sarcastic boy.

Stiles shook his head, replying with "It's Hayden Romero. Liam Dunbar's ex-girlfriend" "That means there's still hope that Corey's alive" Derek informed her, but she shook her head "If Gerard's got him.....then I've already lost him. The one person I loved most I've lost, and you know what.....Gerard's going to pay even if it's the last thing I do" Madison exclaimed.

She turned her back to the pack and walked away, leaving Nolan with them. She wanted five minutes to herself. Five minutes to think about her life, to think about her best friend. She took a deep breath and exhaled. When she turned back around she noticed Scott on the floor with an arrow in his leg.

She rushed over towards the alpha with a questioning look. A gun shot fired at the tree next to her causing her to jump "Get down" she shouted, grabbing Nolan's arm, and pushing him into the bushes, she pulled Stiles by the arm and placed him next to Nolan so they both were safe. She wasn't prepared to lose anyone else she loved.

Madison twirled herself around causing a gush of wind to flow from her hands, she let the magic inside her consume her. She stood side by side with Scott and Derek and prepared to fight "Just give us the boy and we'll let you live" the hunter shouted; an arrow flew at Derek, but Madison pushed it away with her hands. Derek looked at the dark-haired girl and smiled.

He moved Madison to behind him and turned into his wolf from, his teeth grew into fangs and his eyes flashed a crystal blue colour, she'd never seen a werewolf with blue eyes before. She wondered what it meant. Derek pounced at the hunter that came into sight.

"Gerard just wants the boy. Give us Nolan Holloway and we'll release Corey Bryant" another hunter said. Nolan watched as Madison's face dropped into a million pieces. She turned to look at him and mouthed 'Do you trust me?' he nodded in reply.

She took a deep breath and shouted "We'll give you Nolan, but I want proof that Corey's alive" Scott's eyes grew wide from Madison's words. He couldn't believe she would betray the pack. He couldn't believe she broke their trust, that was until he listened to her heartbeat and found out the truth. He laughed to himself from how stupid he felt.

"Incendia" Madison screamed, a fire appearing in the distance. The hunters fled the scene in seconds. Nolan ran into Madison's arms the second the coast was clear. She buried her face into his shoulders and gripped onto him tightly. BANG, Madison felt as a sharp pain trickled up her back. She collapsed to the floor, blooding leaking from her mouth.

"No" Nolan screamed. Madison could feel herself slip away; she could feel as her heartbeat became slower. She squeezed onto Nolan's hand and stuttered "I-I'm sorry....i-if you find C-Corey please, t-tell him I l-love him and I-I a-always will no matter w-where I am" Madison's eyes fluttered shut, Derek rushed over to the girl's unconscious body and used his hearing to listen to her heartbeat, but he never found one "She's not breathing" he informed the fragile boy with tears staining his cheeks.

Stiles ran to his jeep and grabbed his toolbox from the boot. He figured Derek could use one of the tools to dig the bullet out from her skin, that way she could be saved before it was too late. He rushed back over to Madison's lifeless body and threw Derek the toolbox.

Nolan held onto Madison's right hand whilst Stiles held onto the other one. Derek grabbed the smallest screwdriver he could find and dug it into Madison's flesh. Scott held onto Madison shoulders as Derek tried his hardest to pull the bullet out from her chest. Madison suddenly sat up gasping for air, her heart beating at a normal speed. She screamed in pain as Derek continued to dig around the bullet. The second the bullet was out Madison said the words 'Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala"

The bullet wound closed, and the unbearable pain Madison felt completely disappear. She saw the look on Nolan's face and chuckled " can't get rid of me that easy" she told him where he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body into his. She smiled from his touch, she never wanted him to let go.

Madison sat in her car by herself just thinking about her best friend. Thinking about how he could be dead. She placed her head in her hands and sobbed. From a far Stiles watched, he felt useless and heartbroken for her. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know how.

He jumped into the passenger side of the car and placed a caring hand on her shoulder. She jumped from his touch but smiled when she realized who it was. She started to feel a connection with Stiles, a friendship "I'm going to help you through this. We're going to find him even if it's the last thing we do" Stiles started.

She laced her hand with Stiles and said "I don't know if we'll ever get through this. Gerard has an army and the only way to stop by tapping into my dark side" Madison took a deep breath before she continue talking "If I tap into my dark side I'll be lost forever" Madison felt as if she could trust Stiles, she felt he'd keep whatever she told him to himself.

Nolan watched from a far the connection between Stiles and Madison. He felt jealousy boil inside. He felt that Madison had a crush on Stiles, but he still wondered how Corey was connected to her.

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