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Mattia's Pov

"You can wake her can't you" I asked. Everyone was frantic. Isabelle lay there almost lifeless.

"YOU CAN WAKE HER CAN'T YOU" I yelled. Lorenzo rushed over to me.

"You....boy...Your screaming will get us nowhere. Maybe you shouldn't have gotten her pregnant in the first place" He said. I felt my eyes watering. Am I crying? I don't cry.

"Now Lorenzo, you must remain calm also" Nicole said.

"Doctors, what is the problem and how do we fix it" She calmly asked.

"We aren't sure. She seemed to be stressed before the labor began. We have to find a way to stabilize her heart and breathing before we can give you straight answers"

"And what then. What if nothing works"

"Then I'm afraid we will lose her" One doctor said hanging his head.  I saw a spark in Nicole's eyes.


"Now dear, who has to be calm" Lorenzo said while holding Nicole back. A nurse guided us all out of the room. We sat in the waiting room. Jaden was pacing the floor and Ivana was a mess. She was in a corner with her bridesmaid dress completely ruined. I walked over to her.

"You know, you would look so much better in the dress for my wedding" I said.

"How can you joke right now? My sister, the love of your life, could be dead after bearing your child" 

"That's just the thing, I still have my child out of this. If, and only if, Isabelle doesn't live, I'll raise him" I said. Ivana looked at me and got up. She walked away. I huffed. The news was taking too long.

"WHEN ARE WE GOING TO FIND OUT" Ciacci yelled. I looked over. I didn't think he cared much for Isabelle. I stood up and walked over to Nicole.

"What are we going to do because I haven't seen my son either" I said. She pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"We don't know. The shoot out at the wedding must have sent her into labor. Everything about this life has been nothing but bad to her" She said.

"Nicole I honestly believe that we need to separate ourselves from this moment. If she doesn't make it we need to move on and continue our lives" I said.

"No. If she doesn't make it, it changes a lot for everyone here. That baby will not be brought up in mob life"

I can't be the only one who sees the reality of this. The chances of Isabelle making it are our luck to none. I can't stand around and let my heart get broken again.

"Ok well maybe this, what is the baby's name? Maybe we can start with something so simple"

"Only Isabelle knew the baby's name. Only she had the means to name him" Avani said. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Then I'll name him myself. His name is Luca from now on"

"Like the brother you so violently hate" Ivana asked. I huffed.

"We will call him Marc from now on. At least until Isabelle is woke" I said. It just sucked calling him the baby.

"So who is going to be able to talk to these doctors without completely going crazy" Lorenzo asked. I looked around the room. None of us were capable of that. Everyone looked around. They were all thinking the same way I was.

"I'll do it" Jaden said. Nicole looked at him with wide eyes. Almost as if he was going to hear news that would ruin him forever.

He walked to the door and gave a small knock. As his hand was about to touch the door again a doctor came and opened the door.

"I want to know what's wrong with my sister" Jaden said.

"Ok so there is good news and there is bad news"

"Give us the bad news first" Jaden said. Bold.

"She won't be able to walk for some time as it will put too much stress on her body. She has medications that she will have to take everyday. No one mentioned that she had a heart problem"

"Heart problem" Lorenzo asked.

"Yes she gets blood clots in her heart randomly. Most likely from past traumas or injury. Has she had any past of passing out, randomly feeling weak, or sharp pain?"


"Well you have to be careful because that is most likely to come. She will have to take her meds everyday in the morning and before bed."

"So she's alive" Jaden asked. The doctor nodded.

"Yes she is and it is very important that you follow my instructions so she will remain that way" He said. We nodded.

"Can we go see her"


We watched as doctors and nurses walked out of the room. Some talking, others with their head down. I huffed as I was the first person to walk in the room. Her family followed shortly after.

"Tia" She said weakly and dryly.

"Hey...You almost didn't make it" I chuckled as I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Well now I'm just hungry" She said while shifting in the bed. Nicole moved closer.

"Move with caution child. You have some medical issues" She said. Isabelle nodded.

"Yea, they told me. Heart problems" She chuckled. She looked up at Lorenzo.

"You know she did this to me, right?"

"Who" Ivana asked.

"Gabriella. Mattia was first hand witness to her abuse. That past trauma and injury came from her and I will make her pay for almost making me miss my baby's life"

"You can't just go around killing people Isabelle" Ciacci said.

"Good, I'm not. I'm just going to kill her" Isabelle said. I felt a smile creeping on my face. That's my girl.

"So what about all the wedding stuff"

"Fuck it. I didn't even want to do it in the first place. We can find another alliance" She said while looking over to me.

"Ok I am going to ask the question that just lingers so deep in everyone's soul" Avani said.

"What is this cute little baby's name"

"Hand him to me" She said. Nicole walked over to him and picked him up. She walked him over to Isabelle.

"What is it" I asked.

"Ok guys. Meet Cristiano Royale Polibio" She said. I saw a tear drop from her face as she touched the blanket they wrapped him in. I leaned over and looked at him.

"Cristiano, I like it" I said.

"You can thank Camille. She claims it would be her name if reversed for a boy" Isabelle laughed. The rest of the room joined.

"Why Royale as the middle name"

"Well for that you can thank Jaden. He gave me the speech that my little tato was mafia royalty and invincible as well as the biggest target on earth. So yeah, he's basically a royal"

"I love it. Cristiano Royale Polibio" Ivana smiled. 

My baby boy.

My baby boy

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