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I was sitting on my windowsill smoking a cigarette before I had to go to school. My dad then barged in.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" He hissed.

"What does it look like?" I sneered.

He stomped up to me and grabbed my shirt collar pulling me off the windowsill.

"You don't talk to me like that you fucking asshole!"

He then punched me in the face giving me a busted lip. I'm used to this. Him raging over small things. Mostly due to drugs.

"Now get out of my damn sight!"

He then pushed me away. It was time to go. I got in my car and drove to school. As much as I fucking hate it here. I don't want to get my ass beat.

I'm known as the school 'bad boy'. Meaning people either love or hate me. Girl especially love me. But the thing is that I'm gay.

Just nobody knows. I'm too scared to tell anyone. My dad's really homophobic. And he'll literally kill me if he finds out that I'm gay so I've been sleeping around with a bunch if girls to try and make myself un-gay. But it's really just depressing myself.

I walked into my 1st hour; Heath. I was late, like usual. But only by 2 minutes.

"Why are you late Chris? And what happened to your face?" Mr. Kibby sneered.

"I'm late because I didn't want to here. And I got punched. So that's why I have a fat lip."

I sat in the back of the class next to a girl who I've never seen before. She looked bad ass as hell.

"Don't even think about it dumbass." She told me.

"Excuse me?"

"I can feel you looking at me."

I just rolled my eyes. Bitch.

"We will be starting a big project. This will decide if you pass or not." Mr. Kibby announced. "Starting today, you'll be taking care of a realistic baby doll with the person to your right." I smirked and looked at the girl. She stood up.

"Mr. Kibby. Can I have a new partner? I don't want to be with this freak." She pleaded.

"No Mia. You're not allowed to switch." Mr. Kibby denied.

He then handed out baby dolls. They actually looked realistic. It was wrapped in a blanket. He also handed out a fake birth certificate that we had to fill out. He then went over the rules and expectations. We have to see each other after school.

"So what do we want to name it?" Mia asked me.

"Jackson Daniels." I answered.

"It says on the birth certificate that she's a girl though."

"Lame. You name her then."

"How about Alice."

I just shrugged. We then had to put the baby's name then sign our names.

"You're gonna help take care of Alice, right?" Mia implied.

"I guess I have to. But she can't stay at my house. I don't even want her at my house."

"Why not? Do you not want to see your daughter?" She was actually playing along with this.

"No, I just want her to be safe. And I come from a bad part of town." I elaborated. She stood back up.

"Can I take full custody of the child and just have Chris be a distant parent. I don't trust him enough to take care of her."

I stood up too. Everyone was looking at us.

"All I said was that I don't want the child to be coming to my house since the hood isn't the best place for it to be." I explained myself.

"Can we get family counseling?"

"Holy shit girl. I just met you not even 20 minutes ago. What the fuck is your problem?"

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