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"Cause he's my only family. You know this. If he gets locked away then who knows where I'll go?" I reminded. "Yeah, he's the biggest asshole on the planet. But I can't loose another person." He took a deep breath.

"Well I still want you to stay here for a little while. Alright?" I nodded my head okay. "Let's stop by your house and get some clothes. Your dad should be got by now."

We then got in his car. Me in the passenger seat.

"Why aren't you in school?" He asked.

"It's a long story."

"Then tell me when we get back to my house."

When we got to my house I ran in and packed a bag with whatever I may need for the next few days. I came back out and we drove back to his house.

I set my bag in the spare bedroom then went back to the living room. We sat on the couches.

"So what's the long story?" He questioned.

"Well in Health we're doing that project where you have to take care of a realistic baby or whatever. And I got paired up with this girl; Mia. And she's such a bitch." I began. "Yesterday; when we first got the dolls, she insisted on me being a distant father because she doesn't trust me. And blah blah blah. Well today she kept pestering me insisting on me telling her what happened. And I finally had enough of it and walked out."

"Have you contributed to the project thus far at all?"

"No. I was supposed to go over to her house yesterday after school but I couldn't. I had to fix my car."

I wasn't gonna tell him about going over to Brandon's. He told me a long time ago to stay away from Brandon, he's bad news. So he especially doesn't know that I'm his dealer. My phone start to buzz. I looked at it.

"Damn, it's Mia. I'll be right back." I went into the kitchen.

"What do you need?" I picked up the phone.

"I need to know if you're okay. Where did you go?"

"I went over to my friend's house. Why are you so concerned about me? You should be concerned about the project."

"Because I care about you more. You've been the only person I've actually talked to since I moved here. And yeah we fight, but I consider you at least a friend." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just wanna make sure you're alright. I'm worried."

"I'm alright. Okay?" I assured. "I'm alright a friend's house hanging out. I'm just fine."

"Okay. Well can you please come over after school gets out? I'll send you my address."

"Fine." I then hung up.

"What did she want?" Jason asked the moment I got back into the living room.

"She wanted to make sure I was alright. And wants me to come over after school."

"And you're going to do so."

"God, is this what my next few days will look like?" I sighed.

"Yep. As long as you're staying with me, I'm gonna try everything to keep you in line."

I bit my lip a little. If I'm being completely honest, I've always had a crush on Jason. But have always been too scared to admit it. Cause I fear rejection.

"Hey Chris, what's going on down there?" He pointed out.

I looked down. Embarrassment ran through my body.

"I-I'm Sorry."

I got up and ran to the spare bedroom. I locked the door and laid in bed. I then started 'taking care' of my problem.

"Jason." I moaned louder than intended.

I hoped he didn't hear me. I couldn't help but imagine him being the one who's touching me.

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