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Not even 20 minutes later Jason came in. He ran to me and hugged me tight. I began to cry again. He held me in his arms and gave me kisses on my head.

"What happened? Where were you? Why are you here?"

"I've been tied up in a cage in my basement. Because my dad found out that I'm gay." I told him. He gasped. "He burnt me with fire, threw rocks at me, and kicked and punched me harder than he ever has before."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I shouldn't of believed your father when he told me you ran away. God, I'm such a fucking idiot." He began to cry too. "I promise I'll be by your side from now on. Don't worry."

"Where am I gonna go now? I have no money."

"Are you seriously worrying about where you're gonna go? I'm here Chris. You know that."

"Thank you so much." I thanked. "Now I want to go. Please."

We got up and walked out of the room. His arm was around me and I leaned into him as we walked.

"Do we have permission to go? It's getting late and he really need to go." Jason asked.

"Where is he gonna go? He can't go back to his house." The woman pointed out.

"We decided that he's gonna be staying with me." Jason answered.

"And how are you related to him?"

"I'm his boyfriend."

She looked him up and down. Clearly debating on whether or not to check his age since I'm only 17.

"Yeah, but we'll be contacting you then if we need anything."

"Of course."

We then walked out. I sat in the passenger seat as he drived.

"When we get to my house how about you get a shower and while you're doing that I'll cook you something to eat. I'm sure you're starving."

"Okay." I agreed.

I was looking down. He placed his hand on my thigh. We soon got there. My bag was still in the spare bedroom. I grabbed a change of clothes then hopped in the shower.

The water pressure against my back was painful since that's where a lot of the bruises are. And it hurt even worse on my chest where I was burnt. I could tell that scar is gonna be permanent.

I started to think about it. This isn't affecting me as much as it should. I've seen the worst. Been through so much. That I'm just... Numb.

I got out and dried off. I put on basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I then went to my room, put down my clothes that I was wearing, and walked into the kitchen.

"I made spaghetti. I would've made something a little more special but it's the quickest thing I could make."

"You don't have to make anything 'special'. It's just me. Don't treat me different because of what I went through."

"Chris, you gotta face that people will be treating you different. Whether you like it or not." He said. "And even if you didn't go through that, I would want to make you something special anyway."

He then set a plate on the kitchen table and told me to sit down. I sat there as he started to wash the dishes. He looked over at me. I have only taken one bite.

"Is it really that bad?"

"No. It's really good. You're an amazing cook. My stomach and throat just... Hurts physically."

"I understand that. But can you at least try to eat? You probably haven't eaten in forever and I know you're hungry."

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