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I wiped my face then looked at the time.

"I... Have to go." I said as I stood up. He stood up too.

"Where are you going?" He asked. I put my jacket on.

"Somewhere. I'll be back soon." I then walked out. He followed me.

"You're not leaving until you tell me where you're going."

"Since when do I need your permission to go places?"

Before he could answer I walked out of the house and got in my car.

"Goddammit. I forgot the stuff." I groaned.

I went back in. And went straight to my room. Jason wasn't in there anymore. I got the bag of Marijuana and went back to my car. I called Brando when I started driving.

"I'm on my way." I said the moment he picked up.

"I'm not there right now. But I left the money in the flower pot by the door. Just leave the bag there and take the money."

"Did you leave enough for a half?"

"Yeah, I did. Don't worry. Now I gotta go." He then hung up.

I got into the glove compartment where the rest of the money from last time was. I stopped at the liquor store and got a bottle of Jack. I then drove to Brandon's house. I walked up to his porch.

"Christopher!" I heard Jason yell my name. I looked behind me and he was standing right there.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I hissed.

"No! What are you doing here!? I told you to stay away from this place!"

"It's the last time I'm coming here. So chill."

I found the money in the flower pot. I counted it and replace it with the pot. I don't care if he saw me.

"There. See? I'm done. That's it."

I walked back to the car. I saw that the back door was open. He was in my back seat. He got in the front passenger. And that's when he started yelling at me...

"I can't believe you're dealing drugs! Do you have any idea how dangerous drugs are! Selling them or doing them!"

"Well you'd know! You used to do smoke pot and do coke with him!"

He went silent and looked down. We didn't talk for the rest of the time.

When we got back I went straight to my room. I put the bottle of Jack on my dresser and the money  in a box.

I went too far saying that. And I now felt too awkward to go back out there and confront him. Later on that evening he knocked on my door.

"Dinner's ready." He said.

I took a deep breath and walked out.  We both sat down at the table.

"I'm sorry Jason." I broke the silence. "I know I went too far by saying that."

"It's fine." He sighed. "It's just that because I was into that stuff, I know how badly it can fuck you up. And I don't want to watch that happen to you. I don't really care about the pot. But he does coke too. And he could lead you into coke."

"I never did any of the drugs. And Brandon knows that I'm done being a dealer. I gave him the last of the cannabis that I had." I paused for a second. "The only reason I started doing that was because I wanted enough money by the time I'm 18 to move out of my dad's house. But I don't have to now. At least, unless you want me to move out."

"The only time I'd ever want you to move out is if you want to."

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