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"You're a fucking mistake." He told me. He then started throwing rocked at my bare back. Hard. I couldn't help but cry.

All of a sudden the door slammed wide open. It was the SWAT team. Oh thank god. They were holding up guns pointing at my dad.

"Sir, let him go. And we won't shoot you." One said.

My dad pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

"Get any closer and I'll shoot him." My dad threatened.

They moved so quickly and tackled him to the ground. They then untied me and took the duct tape off if me.

"Are you alright son?" He questioned.

I shook my head no. I couldn't talk. If I did, all I'd be able to do was scream.

"Well let's get some clothes on you then take you down to the station to figure this put and get you somewhere safe. Does that sound okay?"

"My room's upstairs." I eventually got out.

They nodded their heads okay. It hurt to walk. But I managed. I put on black sweat pants, a black hoodie, and Converse.

I then got on a police car. They took me down to the station and took me to a room with only a table and 2 chairs.

All I wanted right now was Jason. For him to hold me and tell me it's okay. For him to let me sob and not judge me.

A man came in and sat across from me. He had a notebook and pen. I had to give him my name and a bunch of other information first.

"How long have you been down there Chris?" He asked.

"Almost 4 days. I got knocked out unconscious when I got home on Wednesday after school because he punched me so hard. And I just woke up today. Tied up, undressed, with duct tape on my mouth, in a dog cage."

"Did anything provoke this? Like do you think he had a reason to do such a thing? And had he always been violent?"

"Well he's been abusive ever since I was 14 and my mom killed herself. But it just worsened throughout the years." I began. "Monday he asked me where all his beers went, I told him that he drank them. And he beat me up then handcuffed me to a pole in the back yard all night long."

He was writing down what I was saying. I then realized that I know him. He chased me down the street before because I was in bed with his daughter; Emma. But I just continued.

"The next day I went over to my best friend; Jason's house. I begged him not to tell anyone since my dad is my only family. I was planning on staying with him for a couple of days cause he wanted me to be safe. But then Wednesday on the way back over to Jason's from school my dad called me telling me to get my ass back home or else. So I did."

"What was his reasoning?"

"Because he found gay porn on my computer. He's extremely homophobic. So I've been trying my best to hide that I'm gay from him. He said that he refuses to have a faggot as a son. And the next thing I know I black out for 2 days." He got finished writing it all down.

"Do you need anything?"

"Yes. I need Jason more than anything right now." I answered.

"We'll see what we can do. What's his number?"

I told him and he wrote it down. He then walked out. I was alone again.

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