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I eventually ate the rest of it. It was good. But kinda hurt going down a little.

"Do you want anymore?" He asked.

"No thank you. I'm full." I denied. "All I wanna do is go to sleep. My back hurts like hell."

"Alright. I'm probably gonna go to bed too after I finish washing dishes Good night Chris."

"I can wash my dishes. You don't have to."

"Good night Chris. Go to bed."


"Good night Chris." He repeated again.

"Good night Jason." I sighed as I went to my room.

I took off my shirt and laid in bed. But I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about all that happened. And how he called me his boyfriend. Did he mean that? Or did he just say that?

After about an hour spent staring at my ceiling I walked out. The lights were off. I felt stupid doing this. I'm 17 for fucks sake. Not 7. I knocked on his bedroom door.

"What do you need?" He came up behind me.

I jumped a little. I turned around and looked at him. He was only wearing pajama pants. I saw his muscular figure that had a few tattoos scattered apon it. My heart throbbed. I wanted to touch him all over.

He saw my burn mark, and I could tell it hurt him to see it. To see what happened to me.

"I thought you were in there. Sorry." I finally got out.

"It's fine. I just got finished shutting everything down. What did you need?"

I hugged him. Burying my face into his shoulder. He's only 2 inches taller than me.

"Do you want to sleep in my bed with me?" He implied.

"Can I?"

"Of course you can."

We then went into his bedroom and got in his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

Him doing so hurt, but I didn't tell him. If anything... The pain was starting to turn me on a little bit. I was beginning to feel pleasure by pain. God I hope he doesn't move his hand down at all.

I eventually managed to fall asleep.

I woke up the next morning to no one next to me. I walked out of his room and slowly down the hall.

He was in the kitchen talking on the phone. I couldn't understand a word he was saying. He was speaking Italian. He looked up and saw me then hung up.

"Sorry, you didn't have to end your phone call." I apologized.

"It's fine. It was just my mom." He shrugged.

I honestly envy his family a lot. They're all so close to one another. It's... Hard to watch when I know I'll never have anything like that. I'll never be happy with what I do have. Jason really doesn't know how lucky he really is.

He put 2 plates of pancakes on the kitchen table. We both sat down and began to eat.

"Did you really mean it when you called me your boyfriend? Or did you just say that?" I asked. He smirked.

"Only if you want me to be your boyfriend."

"Of course I do. I have ever since I met you."

We followed that with a long kiss. After eating we washed the dishes. We then sat on the couch and watched TV together. But I couldn't help but get zoned out. And just think.

"Chris!" He called out my name. I quickly looked up at him.


"I've said your name like 3 times."

"Oh... Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Do you wanna talk about it? What were you think about?"

He glided his hand up and down my thigh slowly. I wanted to tell him that I think I'm becoming a masochist.

But I know that'll just lead him into worrying about me even more. And that's not what I want.

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