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I ended up being late anyway. I walked into class. Mr. Kibby was clearly shocked to see me.

"Oh my god, you came today..." He murmured.

"Sorry I'm late. I overslept." I apologized.

"Where were you half of last week?" Mia questioned.

"Probably in jail for drugs. I saw him leaving the police station." Jordan implied.

Jordan used to be my friend. But then Jake killed himself and I neglected all of my friends due to depression. He then became one of the 'popular kids'. And hates me.

I just rolled my eyes and sat down. Trying to ignore him.

"Go to the office Jordan." Mr. Kibby demanded. Jordan stood up.

"What? Why? He can get away with saying a bunch of things, and I can't say a single remark?" Jordan hissed.

"Teachers know about more shit than you. Now go to the office."

Everybody was surprised to head Mr. Kibby cuss. Jordan soon left.

A few hours later it was lunch. All of my teachers were shocked to see me.

I sat where I usually sit in the cafeteria. At an empty table away from people as I pretend to be doing something on my phone.

Jordan approached me with 2 other people.

"Where the hell were you? Why we're you at the police station?" He asked.

"Why would you want to know?" I sneered.

"Because I'm in trouble because or you!"

The cafeteria went silent and watched the chaos that was about to unfold. Fuck it. I'll say it. I stood up.

"On Wednesday I was locked in a cage in my basement being burnt, thrown rocks at, and just getting the shit beat out of me by my dad because he found out that I'm gay. The house was Swatted and I was finally found on Saturday. I then got taken to the police station." I explained. Everyone's eyes widened. "So I didn't get arrested. I was answering questions." A girl stood up too.

"How come you didn't turn your dad in before hand?" She questioned.

"Because he's the only family I have. The rest of my family either are on the other side of the country and want nothing to do with me or are dead. And so I've been terrified of where I'd go if he got locked up. But luckily my boyfriend is letting me stay with him."

"Last time I checked only your brother died. You're making that up." Jordan remarked.

"First off, that's extremely fucked up to say and assume. And also, my mother killed herself too only a year after Jake killed himself." I corrected. "Just because you stopped being my friend in 7th grade because I wanted to be alone for awhile after finding my brother hanging, and giving me absolutely no support. You're the last person who should be assuming shit about my life. I know you hate to think of the time that we were irreplaceable friends, and trust me, I hate to think of that time too. But you really did me dirty when I was in a horrible spot. I have no clue why or how you still have friends. At least I know I'm an ads hole to everyone and can admit it. But you can't. Because you're a narcissistic egotistical selfish asshole."

I then walked out of the cafeteria. That felt good to say. I walked into the parking lot to go back home.

Halfway to my car I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and Jordan punched me in the face. I fell to the ground since it caught me off guard.

"Don't embarrass me like that in front of the whole fucking grade again!" He demanded. "No wonder guard your dad beat you!"

He then turned around and saw a bunch of people watching what just happened.

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