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"My problem is that you came in here acting like a complete asshole and now you're not taking this project seriously."

"Both of you, go to the councilor's office. Now." Mr. Kibby demanded.

We both huffed. And walked out. We didn't even look at each other. She was holding Alice.

We went to the councilor's office. We sat down as we glared at each other.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Osmond asked.

"He came into class acting like a jerk. And I'm now supposed to take care of a child with him. And he's not taking it seriously." Mia answered.

"All I said was that I don't want to take Alice back to my house cause I live in the hood. It's not safe there for her." I defended myself.

"Why can't Alice stay at Mia's house then Chris can come over after school and help you out with taking care of her." Mrs. Osmond implied.

"I guess we can do that." Mia agreed. They then looked at me. For my input.


At the end of the day I walked out of the school. I was about to open my car door when Mia ran up to me.

"Wait, Chris." She stopped me. "Are you gonna come over?"

"I can't. I have shit to do today."

"More important than this?"

"Yes more important than this. That's just a piece of plastic. This decides my future. I'll see you tomorrow."

I gave her a paper with my number then got in my car and drove away. I then went over to Brandon's house. I knocked on the door. He opened up.

"Aye, it's about time." He greeted. I walked in. "What's up with your lip?"

"Nothing. Let's just get this over with. I don't have time to be playing games."

He gave me a roll of cash. I counted it quickly then handed him the stuff.

"Hey, we got some girls over." He told me.

"No. I got another stop to make."

I then walked out and got in my car. I drove away and went to the autoparts store.

My car's a piece of cap and that's the first thing I need to take care of before I try and get a better life. I then drove home. My dad wasn't there luckily. So I fixed my car in the driveway.

When I was done I grabbed a shower then laid in bed. My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey, it's Mia. I just want to apologize for the way I was acting and treating you today. You don't deserve that. We just met."

"It's fine. I'm used to it. And it's not like that ruined my whole day. In have other things to worry about."

"What are you doing now?"

"Laying in bed. I just got finished fixing my car."

"Well now that you're not busy do you wanna come over? My parents want to meet you."

"Yeah, I'm not all about meeting parents." I denied. "I'm gonna be completely honest with you. If I'm going over there it's either for the project or to fuck. That's really it."

"Christopher Michael Jameston!" I heard my dad stomping down the hallway.

"Oh god. I gotta go. See you tomorrow." I hung up the moment my dad barged unto my room.

"I have called young fucking times! What have you been doing!?"

"I was on the phone. I didn't hear you." I answered.

"Well where the hell is all my beer?"

"You drank it all. I don't drink beer. I don't like the taste."

"So you call me an alcoholic and lie to me!? That's the worst mistake you could do!"

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